Chapter 4

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Voices. I hear voices. One is calling my name. I try opening my eyes, but the pain is taking over my entire body. I couldn't pick my hand up, or anything. "Lilli!! Wake up, please!" Kaliah. She's trying. I couldn't help but while. After that, I hear a gasp. "She's ok!!!!" Finally, I open my eyes. I see a crying Kaliah, a shaking Ali, and a smiling Gigi. She was crying before. "She woke up, guys." Holding my head, I get up. "What happened?"

They helped me settle back down on the chair. "First, tell us what you remember. That was a pretty hard fall." I nod. "I remember us practicing, and Kaliah walking in. She saw us, and wanted to see of she could do anything. She is the powerful one." Ali is sitting down next to me, shaking her head. "She wasn't there. How could she be the one?" That's when I hear a voice in my head. Its saying 'She is the chosen one. The pool activated the powers for all of you. You already had it. When you went in it, you activated it for your sister too. Alison and Gigi are the only ones in the family with it.

You... You're sister is special. So are you. Keep it a secret. No one can know. When the dark ones find out, you all are over. Be careful on who you trust now. Keep Kaliah safe. Its really her they want.' Wow. I look at Gigi and Ali, who must have heard it too, because they have the same expression as me. That's when there is a crash, and glass shattering everywhere.


I am sorry its so short. I just wanted to update so you guys wouldn't hate me. I kinda like leaving you guys on a cliff hanger, though. Its fun. I'm updating tomorrow. I must really love you guys.

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