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Steve x Fem!Munson!Reader

Requested by Anon

"I mean. I just don't know what she's expecting me to say. Eddie Munson! I thought her brother was that little guy. You know the drummer." Steve grumbled as he wheeled the cart into a new shelf as he unloaded VHS tapes into their designated spots.

"You thought that your girlfriend. (Y/N) Munson was related to Dustin's little drummer friend?" Robin asked and chuckled. Steve huffed and shrugged.

"I never see them hanging out or anything." Steve said defensively.

"That's kind of stupid Steve. I'm sorry it is. She's literally come into the store wearing his jacket before." Robin said and grinned when Steve muttered something. "What?"

"I never noticed what she was wearing before we dated. She has a nice face." Steve admitted quietly and looked embarrassed as he blushed.

"Sweet." Robin said and chuckled as she rounded the counter. She stopped and stared at the news. Steve continued working assuming that she was just occupied with the news story. He glanced at her and abandoned the cart when she waved a hand at him.

"What... oh." He said as he saw the picture of Eddie in one corner of the screen and your trailer.

"That can't be good." Robin muttered. Steve felt his stomach turn and he swallowed. It wouldn't be true. It couldn't he knew you and sure maybe your brother was a little weird but you were normal as far as Steve was concerned. They jumped when Dustin and Max ripped the door to the video store open and hurried inside, both shouting at them and climbing over the till.


Steve had agreed to help Dustin find Eddie. Mostly because he hadn't heard from you all day and was hoping you were with him. However, he found you when he almost hit you with his car. It was getting dark and you'd run out of the woods and out into the side road. Everyone in the car had screamed and you, upon seeing that it was Steve, hopped into his car.

"Can you give me a lift to Lover's lake?" You asked and Steve nodded.

"We can't! We're looking for Eddie. Which you should be doing instead of going to the lake with Steve!" Dustin snapped. Turning you glared at him and you felt Steve slow down the car.

"I'm going to get the idiot and turn him in." You said as you rolled your eyes.

"WHAT! You traitor." Dustin said loudly.

"How. Am I a traitor? He isn't doing the murders so if he's in jail it'll prove he's not doing it because the murderer will keep on murdering." You pointed out and crossed your arms. Your victorious pose and Robin's agreement would have helped you feel smugger if Steve hadn't, at that exact moment, turned towards Lover's Lake and gone over a bump, jostling you out of your seat.

The group followed you as you got out of the car and let yourself into one of the lakeside houses, knowing where the key was from all the times that you'd. When you found no one home you huffed and stomped out, squinting at the water. Then you went round to the boat house. Everyone flinched when you turned the light on that hung at the back of the boathouse.

"How. Um. How'd you know that was there?" Steve asked curiously.

"Oh! I used to come out here and make out with Jeff and Gareth if Eddie brought us out here." You said and reached out. Eddie leapt out of the boat and your outstretched hand slapped against his forehead as he did.

"You were making out with my friends!" Eddie yelled.

"You're a wanted murderer. Way to go. Wayne's gone crazy! Right, Max." You snapped back.

"Um. I mean he was smoking and he looked really sad." Max answered when everyone looked at her.

"See. Beside himself. I had to hide all your pot. The cops were everywhere. It totally sucked." You complained.

"Well, it sucked for me too!" Eddie snapped. You crossed your arm and rolled your eyes.

"You know there's another kid missing if you'd just turned yourself in they wouldn't suspect you." You glared at Eddie who glared at you until you huffed and stomped off outside.

"God she's annoying." Eddie muttered as he sat down.

"Try dating her." Steve said and then winced a little as Eddie's head snapped in his direction.

"You're dating my sister?" Eddie asked as if he couldn't quite believe his ears.

"Yeah, they've been dating for like, a year, didn't (Y/N) ever mention it?" Dustin said quickly.

"No. A year?" Eddie muttered.

"Yeah. It's going pretty well. I think. I hope. Don't tell her I said that." Steve rambled and leaned against a pillar, nervously fidgeting with his hair.

"I did not see my sister with the hair Harrington." Eddie smiled when he heard you complaining from outside.

"WOW, SO YOU DIDN'T KNOW STEVE WAS DATING YOUR SISTER?" Robin said so loudly that you heard from outside. Max covered her mouth to hide the giggle that built up as you stomped back in.

"You told him!" You complained.

"We could be upset about this. But crazy murdering monster on the loose should probably take priority." Dustin said quickly and you sighed, gesturing that you agreed.

"Yeah, you're right." You gave in and glanced at Steve who nodded.

"Wait. Monster?" Eddie asked and you all looked at Dustin.

"Oh. Wow. You should sit down. This is about to be a wild story." 

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