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Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader

Requested by Wattpad: littlebarnesrogers

Nancy had stopped talking to you when she broke up with Steve. She'd let you take Steve's side without much malice or judgement though you had never really taken a side. Not until now. You never really found out what had happened but they suddenly couldn't be further apart. Steve had been beside himself for a while and you'd tried your best to help him get over it.

The two of you had been watching a movie at the cinema, near the front which was far too loud but you didn't mind. He'd leaned over and kissed you out of the blue right at the height of the action. You never managed to see the end of it as the two of you ended up making out but eventually, he'd rented the VHS tape for you so you could actually see the ending.

The only real difference between dating Steve and being friends was that he kissed you and he held your hand more often than he had when you weren't dating.

Which was nice at first. To be dating your friend was comfortable and easy, it hadn't needed to be anything else. But when you hurried around the corner, excited to meet Steve after work with plans to rent a movie and get a pizza from dominos you stopped.

Steve was up the street outside the family video with Nancy. He was leaning on her car talking and waving one hand in the air. They were standing close together as if they didn't want to be overheard. They laughed and joked, leaning in closer. Your stomach turned when it looked as if they might kiss. Nancy saw you watching them and smiled, waving at you as if nothing was happening. Steve did the same but headed over as Nancy got in her car.

"Hey! Ready for tonight?" Steve said eagerly. You smiled and nodded, trying to push the little thoughts trying to be heard to the back of your mind. They were friends. It was nothing.

"Yeah! Robin recommended some movies." You said and smiled when Steve groaned.

"No! You can't watch something Robin recommends she always wants to watch such long movies." Steve complained as he held the door open for you.

The movie was picked, something easy to watch that wasn't too long, Steve had ordered the usual order and watched you hop out of the car, run inside the small dominos shop that was on the way to his place and hop around as you waited for them to find all the bits of the order. He laughed when he say you hurrying out, carefully balancing everything with your tongue poking out. As soon as you were in he drove towards his house.

Halfway through the movie, squashed up under Steve's arm as you leaned into his side he looked at you. He kept looking between you and the tv until he leaned down to kiss you. As he did the thought of him with Nancy flashed through your mind. You ducked your head forcing him to plant the kiss on your forehead. He frowned but pressed the kiss against your head before going back to watch the movie.

"Are you ok?" Steve asked when he went to kiss you again but you acted as if you hadn't noticed and that you were overly invested in the terrible movie.

"I'm fine. Just watching the movie." You insisted and smiled at Steve. He nodded slowly and spent the rest of the evening giving you sideways glances.

When the movie finished Steve thought that you'd do the usual. Turn to him, cross-legged on the sofa and review the movie with him. But you got up and brushed the crumbs off your lap and reached to the coffee table to finish your drink.

"I should head home." You mumbled and started walking to the hall before Steve could do more than frown at you.

"Wait! Wait. You. You said there was nothing? (Y/N) something is going on." Steve said as he hurried after you. You were putting your shoes on in the hall when he caught up.

"Are you still in love with Nancy?" You asked. Steve didn't say anything for a moment but you saw him swallow.

"No! No!" He said quickly. His voice was strained and cracked with the lie. You nodded and felt tears well in your eyes.

"I'm just going to go home." You said quietly.

"Will you come by tomorrow? Steve asked. You nodded but didn't answer afraid that your voice would crack. "Can I... Can I hug you?" You nodded again and he pulled you in tightly. You inhaled his scent and your fingers dug into the back of his shirt as he squeezed you tightly into him. When you pulled away reluctantly he watched you walk down the driveway. He'd muttered that he could give you a ride home but you had silently shaken your head and hurried off.

He was late to work for the first time the next day. Robin had started jostling and joking around with him.

"Someone got lucky last night! Oh shit, Steve you look awful." Robin frowned when she saw Steve's face. He looked more dishevelled than usual and his eyes were red and puffy.

"I think (Y/N) broke up with me but I have no idea." He muttered and went to lay on the floor behind the counter. "She asked me if I love Nancy."

"Do you?" Robin asked as she lay down beside him. He didn't answer just closed his eyes as fresh tears dribbled down his cheek.

"I love (Y/N). I do. But I don't think I'll ever not... care about Nancy." Steve muttered quietly as he glanced at Robin. She nodded and patted his shoulder as he filled her in on what happened.

"She didn't dump you, dump you. So you know. There might be hope. Don't do anything stupid." Robin offered. Steve nodded and stayed on the floor. Robin got up and let him slack off, even letting him take a nap. She spotted you outside towards the end of Steve's shift. You paced back and forth outside and even almost came inside twice. After about fifteen minutes she took pity on you and nudged Steve with her foot. "(Y/N)'s coming."

Steve shot up and scrubbed his face with his hands as if he was trying to look like he hadn't been crying all day. He hurried towards the door and stepped outside.

"(Y/N)?" He said uncertainly.

"I'm not ready." You answered and he smiled nervously.

"Ready? For what?" He asked. You waved a hand in his direction and went back to pacing. He glanced inside at Robin who shrugged. "I love you."

You stopped walking and looked at him. He sighed and ran his hands through his hair looking rather flustered.

"I do. I love you and I care for Nancy a lot and I'm sorry because that sucks. I know that has to hurt you and I hate it because I don't want anything to hurt you and it's me doing it which is awful. But I love you and being with you is just. It's..." He trailed off as he spoke quite earnestly and looked stressed as if he worried that you wouldn't understand or listen.

"Easy?" You offered and nodded.

"Yeah. Like I don't have to worry or think about what to do. We just work. I. Just please tell me what we do now." Steve's hands fell to his side as he stood in front of you and looked rather nervous.

"I think it'll bother me for a while." You admitted and Steve nodded a serious look on his face. "Just. If something happens please tell me. Don't hide it." You said quietly. You let Steve pull you into a hug.

"Nothing will happen but I'll agree if that's what you need." He promised as he squeezed you tightly. "Sometimes Dustin needs us both to help him with stuff but I promise it's not ever anything more than that."

"Can you also give me some time? Like to get my head right and to yell about all this to Robin." You asked and he smiled.

"Yeah sure. I can wait out here for a bit if you need." Steve offered. You took him up on his offer and he watched you head inside and spill everything to Robin whose face was overcome by several emotions as you went on. After five minutes Robin beckoned him in.

"Glad that's sorted." She said and rolled his eyes when Steve's hand snaked around our waist.

"I have to go back to work my lunch break is nearly over but I'll still come over later?" You said as if you were unsure. Steve nodded and moved to plant the most passionate kiss he'd ever given you and only pulled away when Robin complained loudly. 

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