Chapter 9: Sleepover.?

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Vanessa sits up and looks at her phone, and it says 7:15. When she puts it back down, she notices someone else looking at her. "Dinah.!"

Vanessa cuddles in her, causing Dinah to lightheartedly laugh. "Hey."

"When did you get here.?"

"I actually just got here. I wanted to surprise you."


"C'mon, I'm taking you to school."

Everything is normal until Vanessa gets to English class.

Vanessa's POV

"Dinah. Really."

"Yes really. Now give me a hug."


I walk over and hug her. "I don't know why you're here, but thanks."

"Yeah, you're welcome." They part as the bell rings. "Hi." Everyone looks shocked, before Dinah speaks up again. "Who can guess who I am.?"

"Dinah Jane Hansen from Fifth Harmony thank me later."

Everyone laughs at that person's outburst, even Dinah. "That sounds reasonable. Any who, do anything you have to do for another class, because your teacher left nothing."

"Yup." She says as everyone erupts out talking. "Hey shh." She says quieting them down instantly. "Do whatever you want honestly. Just go get a textbook and act like you're doing something productive. You can work if you want to but I wouldn't."

Everyone goes to the back basically trampling each other to get a book.

No One's POV

Dinah hears the principal in the distance, so she decides to warn everyone, coughing some. "I see trouble." As if on cue, everyone puts their phones away. Everyone passes around the message of what page to go to just as the principal unlocks the door. Dinah acts like she's taking the attendance.

"Okay you can stop now." She says as we all exhale a breath.

"I really didn't feel like doing that."

She walks over, looks at the pages and cringes. "Damn, I wouldn't want to do that either." The bell rings. "Who has math last period.?"


"Come back here then, unless you want to stay in that useless class."
Everyone cheers. "Yay.!"

"Have a nice day.!"

Vanessa just goes up to her and hugs her. "Thanks Dinah."

Dinah smiles, before chuckling. "You're welcome. Plus, I just know you don't like the bitch, so I couldn't stand everyone else who didn't like her, going to her class too. "Now go to your next class, before I have to seriously cover for you."

The next class doesn't go by fast enough.

"How was the last class.?" A person asks, after they get back to English where Dinah is.

"They were way too loud and they didn't give two shits about who I was." She says with them all looking at her because she just cussed. "So I just made them work."

Vanessa decides to voice her opinion. "Dinah, you'd be a terrible teacher."

They all laugh. "I know.!" Dinah then becomes curious "What lie did you guys tell that bi.." She pauses. "Thing of a teacher you have.?"

"We didn't tell her anything."

"So she thinks your whole class are skipping.?" She says

"Yup." Me and a few other people chorus.

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