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A/N Hello. 👋🏽 I just recently realized that there shouldn't be an Epilogue to a series that isn't finished....Lord Jesus. My freshman writing skills sucked ass. 🤦🏽‍♀️😭😂 so here's a short filler chapter.


Everything is slowly becoming normal in the house of Fifth Harmony, plus their newly adopted kid. It's been a month, and they're currently moving into a new house. With an extra person in the house, it was hard for Vanessa and Ally to share a room, so they decided to move. Currently, they're all packing their stuff.

"Guyssss I need another suitcaseeee.!" Vanessa yells with a laugh. They all groan, and Lauren brings another one.

"This is your 8th fucking suitcase. Damn." Lauren laughs.

"AND I THOUGHT MANI HAD A LOT." Camila laughs.

"SHUT UP CAMILA." Normani laughs. There's a horn outside.

"MOVING TRUCK." Vanessa Ally and Camila exclaim after going to look out the window.

"YAY." Normani says.

"ALL OF YOU CHILDREN SHUT UP." Dinah laughs. They all take their stuff and put it into the truck, slowly but surely. But Vanessa notices the guy staring at her.

"Lauren." Vanessa says while Lauren is in the truck.

"Yeah.?!" Lauren replies, hopping down when she's done.

"I think that guy is staring at me." Vanessa says.

"Wait, do you mean guy as in man, or his son." Lauren says.

"I mean both." Vanessa says.

"Alrighty." Lauren says going to tell Normani, who smirks.

"Princess. Help me." Normani says trying to get something but she can't get up in there. So she lifts up Vanessa and walks away. They all do. And staring would be an understatement.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Ally says catching them off guard, and scaring them to the point that they don't do it anymore. When Vanessa finishes putting up her stuff, she's in the process of turning around to leave her closet, just to feel someone come up behind her. She flinches and almost screams, before the person covers her mouth.

"Shhh. It's just me." Normani says softly as Vanessa starts crying. "Awww, don't cry. It's okay princess. I didn't mean to scare you." Normani says picking her up and rocking her slightly.

"I-it's n-not y-you it's m-me." Vanessa says still crying.

"No. Never. Shh. It's okay." Normani coos pecking her forehead and rubbing her back in soothing circles. She hears her occasional sobs for a while, before it decreases to sniffles, to nothing. "Is that better baby girl.?"

"Y-yeah." She shakily breathes, out of breath from her crying.

"What's wrong.?" Camila asks coming in.

"She was putting her stuff in her closet, and I came up behind her to give her a hug. She was startled and started crying because she was essentially scared of me. I thought she heard her door open but I guess not." Normani says, before hearing her soft snores, causing Normani to giggle.

"Looks like someone's sleepy." Camila says in a soft tone carefully taking her. She wakes up, but when she realizes it's Camila, she goes back to sleep immediately. Dinah comes in the room and lies behind her. Vanessa turns over and locks eyes with Dinah.

"Hey little one." Dinah smiles.

"Hey...Dinah." She smiles, hugging her.

"Looks like someone's warmed up." Dinah chuckles lightheartedly and hugs her back. "I love you."

"I love you too." Vanessa says snuggling into her and going back to sleep.

"Aww, I'm jealous.!" Lauren whisper yells.

"Haha." Dinah whispers sticking out her tongue and going back to sleep. Lauren snaps a picture before walking off. Everything was going, and that's how they all wanted it.

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