Chapter 5

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Vanessa wakes up in Iggy's house, and stretches. But she starts to feel a bad vibe, so she turns over and texts Ally.

To: Allyyy ✊
Hey Ally.

Allyyy ✊- Hey. What's wrong.?

To: Allyyy ✊
I feel a bad vibe being here.

Allyyy ✊- really.?
How about this.

To: Allyyy ✊

Allyyy ✊- how about, We come and get you, for once and for all.

To: Allyyy ✊
Really.? Yay.!
Wait, when.?

Allyyy ✊- Like next week or something.

To: Allyyy ✊
I was hoping you were going to say today. :'(

Allyyy ✊- aw don't cry sweetie. It's going to be okay.
Is it that bad.?

To: Allyyy ✊
I didn't even get anything for Christmas.
Like I deserve something for staying here.

Allyyy ✊- Aww.
We'll be there soon enough.
I love you.

To: Allyyy ✊
I love you too.

Iggy comes in the room, and sees her on her side, texting. She couldn't see her facial expression, so she places bags behind her. She couldn't see Vanessa crying, so she walks out, thinking everything is okay. Vanessa turns around, and goes through the bags, but stuffs them in her bag, because she was going to throw it all away when she got back to her house. She liked everything, truly, but she hated the person who gave it to her.

"Bye Iggy.! Nice meeting you.!" Sammy says a few hours later before leaving.

"Bye.! My pleasure." Iggy says. "Hey, I have something else to give you."

"Really.?" Vanessa turns around hesitantly.

"Yeah. Just let me find it." Iggy says walking out. "Actually, let's just go to the mall. You might like that better."

"Yay.!" Vanessa says excitedly. They get some stuff, and Iggy meets up with her friend in Journey's.

"Hey.! This is Brianna. Brianna, this is Vanessa." Iggy says.

"Hi.!" Vanessa says.

"Hi.!" Brianna replies. When they are about to leave, Vanessa sees someone familiar walk past her.

"Mani.?" Vanessa asks, but not so Iggy can hear her. The person continues walking, so Vanessa assumes it's not her. But all of a sudden, she hears someone refer to the person as "Mani." So she does the same. "MANI.!" She yells dropping the stuff and running towards her.

"Be right back." Normani says seeing her, dropping what she has and running towards her. "Babygirl.!" Normani exclaims swooping her up in her arms and spinning her around.

"Maniiii." Vanessa says cuddling into her.

"I miss youuu." Normani says hugging her tightly.

"I miss you too, Mani." Vanessa says starting to cry.

"Aw don't cry Babygirl. You're too pretty for that." Normani coos softly rocking her.

"S she is h horrible." Vanessa says starting to cry harder.

"Shhh." Normani says sitting her up and pulling her into her chest. "How is she horrible." Vanessa looks at her, nervous. "It's okay. You can tell me."

"S she n never s says a any t thing or t talks t to m me. I f feel l like a w waste of sp space." Vanessa says. Normani's head shoots up to lock eyes with her.

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