Chapter 2

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Vanessa has a friend named Sammy, short for Samantha. 17, your average upper class men. Or so Vanessa thinks. Sammy actually is in the same bad situation as Vanessa, but helps rape her and bully her whenever she can. Since Vanessa remembers none of this, Sammy's lies seem truthful. Vanessa sees it starting to rain, so she begins to walk to Sammy's house. She texts her before seeing her phone about to die, so she plugs it in to her power bank and puts it in her pocket.

Vanessa's POV

Soo.. I'm just about to Sammy's house. I can see it. So She's outside turned around. So I run up behind her and scream "wee!!" In her ear! She screams too.

Soo. Guess what?! I got some tickets to go to a concert in 2 days!!! And my mom bought tickets.!! Tickets for me and a friend. But that friend backed out. So I was gonna take Vanessa with me. But I don't know if she wants to go. I'll ask her later on I guess. I need to ask what concert we are going to tho. But aye, a concert is a concert. Well, it's, almost, daamn! It's 12:57! I gotta go haul ass to bed...Byee!

Come on now people plot twist comingg soon! need more readss! if you would I love you more than nutella.

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