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Clap clap!

Clap, clap, clap!

Clap, clap, clap!


"Arch your back a bit more babe."



You arched your back more from your the table. Mirko reached down to adjust the silicone penis before standing back up and quickly shoving it back inside you.

You jumped from her rough entrance yet it didn't hurt as much. Your ass stung bright red with her hand prints, cum dripped on the carpet floor, and her fingers shoved in your mouth mad drool fall from your lips.

She kept going, and going, and going more after that.

How many times have you cummed already? How many times have you screamed her name? How many times have your legs shook from an intense orgasm? Only for her to go back to fucking you from the back so hard.

So hard..

Your body jumped up and down from her thrusts, your mind was completely blank. All you felt was pleasure and more pleasure.

"Mirko.." you softly moaned out, "I-I need to get back to--"

She quickly shut you up by shoving her finger deeper in your mouth. Making your tongue stick out as you felt her fingers down your mouth. "Shut up and take it." she hissed at you, "or should i just go fuck ya in the office? Fuck you on Keigos desk and everything. Let him smell your cum?"


"Drag your cute ass to the office as if were gonna be busy with work? As if I'm not gonna fuck your face and make you cry?"

Do it.

Her hips moved so swiftly and quick, she went deep with each thrust. Making sure she went quick and fast, yet deep enough to make you whine. Your breast felt cold from being pushed up against the desk as goosebumps ran through your skin. It was so cold yet so hot.

You were completely naked, you were faced towards the door as Mirko was behind you fucking your brains out. If someone were to walk in..

Everybody's busy.. Nobody would walk in...


Mirko who leaned down over your body, inching the silicone cock deeper inside you hummed in your ear. As if waiting for your reply while knowing you couldn't speak with her fingers down your mouth.

"Hm? What's your answer?" she taunted you.

"Ah~" All you could do was whine.

I want to stay here.. With you.

You watched Mirko grin from the corner of your eye as if she read your thoughts. Because that's how you truly felt.

You didn't care if someone we're to call for you or if you had another meeting. As long as no one disturbed you both or walked in, you were content with just being here getting your brains fucked out by this woman you love so much.

Mirko doesn't realize the power she holds over you, if she were to tell you to jump over a bridge. You would. If she were to tell you to stay by her side forever as some sex slave, you would.

Only for her.

You knew she was probably fucking other females but they didn't have you had with her. They couldn't be seen out in public together but the two of you could. Because you were only an office worker and she was a hero, nobody would care.

Chocolate (Rumi/Mirko x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now