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"Bastard's...." Mirko crushed her phone in her hands. She had just seen the news about her at another escort service.

I work so hard... Only for them to keep doing this shit?!

Mirko hasn't visited the escort service for 2 year's already. She stopped due to the rumors of the escorts spreading STDs and such. So she stopped going all at once, she blocked their number and told all the escorts she slept with the fuck off.

Especially since they were threatening to lower her pay, she had to stop either way.

But the hero gossip world is more dirtier than people think.

Mirko never went, those pictures they posted we're just old ones that people forgot about. They always did this, people who hated her for their own reasons and wanted to make her life miserable behind a screen.

Every hero has to face it.

(Y/N)... Mirko already knew you probably saw it already. Yet she was wondering why you didn't even text her about it, she figured you would be mad.

Even tho we both aren't even official.

The both of you never thought to make it official.


There are times love makes you blind.

It makes you forget the type of person they really are.

And once you realize that, it hurts you more than you think.

You packed up whatever stuff you brought with you to Mirko's in bags. You put her dinner in the microwave, cleaned up any of your mess, fixed the bed, got dressed, you made everything seem as if you were never there.

I was being too obnoxious. You realized you had been over your head.

There was no paradise, nothing. This was simply a home that Mirko brought you too, too use you as she wished.

You were nobody.

You had forgotten what you were.

Who you were with, who you were, what you are.

You walked out of that apartment and locked it than gave the key to the front desk, you called up Bakugo to pick you up, than proceeded to call that girl you gave your number too.

I'm sure she's not busy... Even if she was busy, you knew you could get her out of anything she was doing. You had a way with words.

Just like your mother.


Was this what you wanted?



I don't know.


"Shut your mouth."

"Kya~!" the girl underneath you moaned as you pumped your fingers out of her in such a fast pace. Her back arched off the bed as you felt her legs shake over your shoulders.

Is this what you needed?



You felt this urge to touch something, someone else's skin, to breath in their smell, to hear their voice. You didn't want to be alone, alone with your thoughts that are stuck on her.

Yet it's as if she was haunting you. Even as you looked down at the girl underneath you, you only saw Mirko. You saw her gorgeous silver hair, shiny tanned skin, adorable and sexy grin, and red eyes.

Chocolate (Rumi/Mirko x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now