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"Stop moping, (Y/N). Get up already."

"Shut up, let me sleep.".

"So what you got into an argument with your girlfriend? I'm hungry. Make me food." he nudged you more and more with his foot.

You stirred on the bed you laid in, your hair frizzy and tangled, dried up drool on your mouth, eyebags under your eyes, you've never looked so terrible before.

You finally pushed yourself up, the sight of your little brother irritated you but you complied. He wore an oversized shirt you had, his black hair left on his shoulders and his red eyes bright and awake like the morning person he is.

"Alright, I'm coming."

"Finally! I'm tired of ordering take out."

How long has it been since you saw Mirko?

3 days.

How long has it been since you went back to work?

3 days.

When Mirko realized you had went to sleep with that girl, she didn't say anything. All she did was send you one last glare before storming off and wiping her tears.

She hasn't called you or texted you, and the same was with you.

You didn't know what to say, explain yourself? What more was there to explain? Apologize? Apologize for what? Apologize for sleeping with someone else when you two were never even in a relationship.

You boiled him some eggs and noodles, heat up the leftover meat, threw it all in a bowl with season and that was it.


"Here you go."

"Thanks." he quickly picked the bowl up and began go eat away at the ramen bowl you made him.

Turning to look at the TV, you flinched at the sight of Mirko appearing on the news once again.

"Female rabbit hero: Mirko, saves the day once again with--!!"


"Hey!" you brother quickly turned towards you, snatching the remote in your hand in the process "I was watching that!"

You quickly snatched it back and sent him a cold glare "Don't boss me around in my own apartment!"

"Don't ruin the day for me just because you're too much of a pussy to even see your girlfriend on TV!"

God... I wish he could just shut up.

"That's none of your business! And don't snatch anything out of my hands!"

"I don't care if it's my business or not! I don't like how your just moping around in your room all day! You think I like seeing my big sister like that?!"

"Just mind your own business or leave!"

Everything is so loud.

"I just wish you could talk to me! I'm your little brother and you know I'm here for you!"

"God! The only thing you ever do for me is barge into my apartment and act like you pay rent around here! I don't need you or anybody else's help!"

I wish he would just leave me alone.

"I'm your little brother and your my big sister--!"

Please... Just shut up.

"I AM NOT YOUR SISTER!!" You screamed at the top of your lungs at him.

Chocolate (Rumi/Mirko x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now