The Switch Chp 1

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"Derek you stupid pig you ate my food again today!" Chloe snarled at him, he "Well you recorded your show on my football video" he snarled back. "Why do you have to be such a boar" Chloe yelled at him shoving him a bit he smirked "Technically I'm not a boar but a wolf" he said smugly "but a god damn lazy wolf" she muttered.

"What did you say" he growled. Chloe glared up at him "you heard me...Derek Souza you are the LOUSIEST MOST ANNOYING MOST PIGGIEST BOY EVER!" she yelled. Derek felt angry no more than angry for she had called him a pig which he is not...he was just hungry

"you Chloe Saunders are the most STUBBORN, LAZY ASS, NAIVE GIRL EVER" he yelled back. Tori was sitting there reading...yes reading 'shocking isn't" *gasp!* and decided that she had enough of their fights which had been going on

"Shut the fuck up!" she yelled flicking her wrist and didn't even know that she sent a spell at him. A bolt of silver blue and silver green flew at him from her fingertips knocking them into the wall.

"Oh shit..." she muttered putting her book down running to them. Upstairs Simon was drawing a picture when he heard the bang and ran downstairs to see what happened. Tori had Chloe on the couch lightly patting her cheek "Chloe come on wake up" she murmured panicky. Derek lay there on the floor forgotten "Simon help you stupid dog brother" she said shaking Chloe's shoulder.

"I just love how you care about him" he muttered and went to his brother. "Derek bro wake up" he said patting his cheek. He grunted once and Simon relaxed "At least he's not dead" he muttered.

Tori shacked Chloe one more time before Chloe smacked her hand away "you stupid bitch just leave me the fuck alone can't you do anything right" she snarled opened her eyes and glared at Tori who looked hurt, fresh tears welled up in her eyes. Tori never knew Chloe would every say that to her.

Simon just looked shocked "oh my god Simon what happened" he turned to look at Derek who looked wide eyed around "what happened to my eye sight it's like i can see everything so clearly know" he muttered and gasped "Simon i didn't know you had a scar running down you cheek" he said putting his finger on the scar was the invisible to the naked eye and traced it.

Simon looked at Derek like he grew another head "ah shit why can't i see clearly" Chloe muttered "Tori did you mess up my eye sight...fuck" she muttered. Tori just stared at you...'Chloe would never curse unless she was mad and i mean clearly that mean Chloe is so mad at her' she thought and looked up to stop the tears.

"Why the hell you looking up for" Chloe scowled and looked up as well "omigods is Derek okay!" Derek exclaimed suddenly holding onto Simon's shoulder. They all looked at Derek when Chloe screamed.

Derek looked at Chloe and screamed as well he looked down and frantically touched his body Chloe did the same that's when Derek glared at her "Derek don't you dare touch my breast" he said.

"Well you're touching my cock" Chloe said scowling. Derek blushed and sputtered an excuse "wait, wait, wait, wait hold up what the fuck is going on" Simon and Tori said. Derek stood up and tried to gain his balance "wow your tall" he muttered. "And your short" Chloe said. While they chloe and Derek looked at their new body.

Simon turned to Tori with a raised eyebrow "hehehe" she laughed sheepishly "well guys" Simon started Chloe and Derek looked at him "looks likes Tori casts a spell and your body is uh kind of switched so Chloe your in Derek's body and Derek your in Chloe's" Derek snorted and muttered "no shit Sherlock" Simon glared at her.

"So that is why you were crying" Derek said smirking which kind of looked evil on Chloe's face "because i cussed you out and you thought it was Chloe" he said smugly. Tori sputtered and Chloe got a huge grin on Derek's face.

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