The Switch Chp 2

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(Remember chloe is in Derek's body and Derek is in Chloe's body)

CPOV after i cornered Derek and yelled at him to not to tell anybody he agreed with an evil glint in his eyes. "Stupid Fucker" i muttered going to the Media room where the new guest were, Derek was trailing behind me, Once we reached there.

There was a girl with wavy elbow length black hair with pale green eyes that was lined with thick eye liner and mascara. She was wearing a silver tube top and jeans skirt, and black ugg boots, beside her were two boys they looked similar probably brothers

One had brown hair the other black hair. The brunet had spiked brown hair making it look like a bedhead...he looked sexy has hell and he had blue eyes mix with green wearing a blue muscle shirt that defined his lean muscles, he wore jeans with sneakers plus he had a nice tan which made Tori oogle him then looked away when he smirked

The black haired had emo style hair and was skinny with pale skin but was short about 5' with silver eyes he had a skeleton zip up jacket with skinny jeans and high top black converse. He even had eye liner the only word that described was 'ADORABLE!' his eyes met mine and he blushed looking away.

Tori, Simon and Andrew were sitting one couch "come sit down" Andrew said waving us, we went to sit down on the spare chairs "Okay I'll let Simon start the introductions" he said. the three kids looked at Simon the little emo kid blushed when Simon looked at him. 'Hmm I wonder what's his problem' i thought my eyes brows scrunched his confusion.

"so I'm Simon a 15 year old sorcerer" he said "I'm Tori 15 yr old witch" she muttered uninterested in this whole thing. "d-Chloe 15 w-necromancer" Derek said stuttering with his words 'Ha! he forgot he was in my body and he forgot to smile...point one for me thank you very much'.

"Derek 16 and I'm a werewolf" I said I noticed that the girl wasn't looking at Simon but at me well Derek for right now. Her gaze traveled up my body lingering at the thighs and chest.

"I guess I'll start then....Uh I'm Hunter a 16 yr old Shape shifter and my shape shifter form is a white tiger" Hunter said his eyes only on Tori who glared right back and he smirked.

"What do they call you kitty" she taunted, Hunter blushed slightly "no" he snapped. "Awe did i make the poor kitty mad" she pouted. Hunter glared at her his face even more a darker red.

"I'll guess I'll go then" the girl said. "I'm Molly...I'm 14 and I'm a healer" she said her gaze still on Derek. who looked uncomfortable and squirmed beside me "Oh i forgot I'm Lesbian" she said smirking when Derek's eyes widened, he quickly grabbed my hand and I smirked. Simon burst out "Hot" he yelled, then blushed when everyone looked at him.

We all looked at the emo boy who blushed, Hunter chuckled and wrapped an arm around the boy's neck ruffling his hair "this here is my twin brother plus he's kind of shy" twins they didn't look like twins "You guys don't look like twins" i asked "of course were fertile twins" Hunter said.

He let go of his brother who cleared his throat "uh I'm Danny uh and I'm uh a shape shifter and uh my uh original form is uh a uh baby tiger and I'm 15" he said blushing when we all looked at him.

"Forgetting something aren't we little Danny" Molly taunted I could tell she was disgusted and hated him. Danny blushed a brighter red "n-n-n-no" he stuttered. "Piss off Molly if he doesn't want them to know then back off" hunter snarled pulling his brother closer to him.

"Fine whatever" she said crossing her arms. "So uh what do we do now" she asked bored "oh how about that my little kitten here can show me around" she said getting up and looping her arms with Derek who stuttered "nope" he squeaked out. She pouted "don't think that you don't want me" she purred. I snickered while Derek glared at me trying to get out of her arms.

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