Chapter 5

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  DPOV this is the day Chloe's going to lose the bet and I'm going to make her lose whether she likes it or not. I glanced at Danny who smiled at me, we both walked downstairs to the dinning room. "Chloe!" a voice cooed then a mass blue, my face was squashed between two very ghooshy breast. I gagged and pushed her away "Let me go" I grunted.

Molly put me down and pouted, today she was wearing a baby blue tube top and very, very short white skirt. Danny clutched his stomach "Molly can you at least wear decent clothes" Danny muttered running off to sit next to Chloe. "There not for you to look at anyways" she yelled at him her face sneering in disgust. Molly spun on her heels and walked off, i could tell why Danny told her to wear decent clothes you could see her underwear that's how short her skirt was.

I grimaced going to sit between Chloe and Tori, "how did you sleep" Chloe asked me, "me fine" I muttered she nodded. Then I looked at her, she was sweating and her eyes were glowing, 'damn my luck' i thought inwardly grinning. She was changing well actually my body was ready to change and she might give in 'hahah' i thought. "Chloe my body needs to change" I whispered to her, her head snapped to me, "what" she hissed. Everyone glanced at her, I sighed "meet me upstairs" I whispered, she nodded before stuffing her face with all those yummy lovely bacon and waffles. 'Damn her' i thought. I took a small bite of my pancakes.

"Ugh you are so disgusting" Molly sneered in disgust at Hunter who had his face stuffed with waffles while he was drinking some orange juice. "I agree with you" Tori muttered. Hunter swallowed his food before smirking at Tori "that's not what you said last night" he purred. She blushed and sputtered for an excuse "my thoughts exactly you were so shocked that all you did was lay there and I did all the work" He crooned. Tori gasped "I was shocked because raped me!" she chocked out.

Hunter pouted "did i know...but looked like you were enjoying it also" he whispered. "I was not i was too shocked besides you were all over me and I'm a girl I can't a 200 lb fat man off of me" she hissed glaring at me, "fat babe this is all muscle which you were drooling over last night" he breathed snickering when she blushed "I was not!" she yelled standing up quickly that the chair fell backwards we all winced but Hunter was sitting there smiling, She grabbed her juice, dumping it all over him before stomping upstairs. "Ahh she loves me" Hunter whispered running after her "my little witch were are you!" he cooed after her. "Get the hell away from me!" she yelled.

TPOV I splashed cold water on my burning face, the only thing i could remember about last night were quick flashes. Hands intertwined, sweat, screaming, panting, moaning, legs tangled, thrashing, and pleasure very intense pleasure. Licking my lips I dried my face quickly and walked out. I turned the corner and was met with a pair of soft red lips. I gasped covering my mouth, looking up Hunter smirked at me.

"Hello love" he purred, I blushed again turning my face away from his. "Hey know why are you embarrassed you didn't regret last night did you" he asked, his voice was laced pain and longing. "yes i did" I said sternly, "No you didn't" he whispered. "yes I did" I glared at him, he glared right back "no you didn't" he growled shoving me against the wall.

"No you didn't" he growled, I looked up at him and he swooped down and attacked my neck. Whimpered I held onto his head "say it" he growled "say you didn't regret it" he snarled biting down hard on my neck, hard enough to make a mark but no hard enough to bleed.

I only whimpered in response, his hand laid flat on my stomach, "say it" he whispered harshly looking at me, "I-i-i didn't regret it" I breathed his lips millimeters from mine, 'just a bit closer' my mind urged me. A coy smirked erupted on his lips and he wrapped me in his arms and into my room, 'great not again' i thought rolling my eyes as he pounced me again onto my bed.

CPOV I grimaced as I heard the panting and moaning coming from Tori's room "there at it again" I muttered stuffing my ear with cotton ball 'damn it doesn't work' i thought. Derek looked at me and smirked "See that's how i feel" he murmured.

I stuck my tongue at him "real mature chloe, real mature" he said picking up his bottle of juice. "I'll be right back me and Simon are going to the library" Danny murmured "it's Simon and I" Derek corrected him, Danny pouted and walked up. Simon gave Derek a quick smile before running after him.

"Do you know what their up to" I asked. "Probably going to fuck like horny bunnies" Molly muttered gazing at her nails, Derek and I chocked on our drinks. "Wait, what" I rasped out, coughing. Derek followed "I mean come on, have you not seen the glances that they have been giving each other" she said.

"I mean look when you guys had that slumber party in the media room...where chloe didn't invite me naughty girl" Molly cooed running her hand up Derek's leg. I glared and she smirked "anyways didn't you see them cuddled up like little bunnies" she whispered.

"Yeah, i saw that" I whispered but Derek stayed there silent "my brother is gay" he whispered "he is gay...fucking GAY!" he shouted standing up "oh that little bastard's going to die bringing my brother down to his dirty mind" he snarled stomping off. "Shit" I cursed running after him.

scooping him up in my arms. He thrashed in them "let me go" he snarled "Derek hush" I whispered in his ear, I walked to my room putting him on the chair and tied him up. "Derek I'm sorry but this is the only way for you not to kill Danny" I whispered, he glared at him his eyes filled with betrayal.

I gave him a hug before running out the door.

DPOV Simon and I were looking through the books to find a cure for their curse, I looked on the top shelf when I saw a book about witch spells. Grinning I reached up but stopped short, when I realized that I couldn't reach it. I stood on my tip toes stretching my fingers are far as I could, and then I tried jumping to get it. Just when I was so close a sun kissed hand reached above me and grabbed it. turning around swiftly i was met with beautiful amber eyes.

Gulping I just noticed that we were chest to chest "u-u-u-uh t-t-thanks" i murmured. He chuckled "you stammer is cute" he whispered grinning but i felt like he didn't refer to me, but more like to somebody else. 'Who else stammered in this house' i thought.

"Oh um yeah" I breathed grabbing the book, going to sit on the large semi circle black couch. He sat down next to me while I flipped through the pages looking for the reverse spell. "Ha ha body switching spells" I exclaimed standing up grinning like a mad man.

Simon laughed and I blushed burrowing my face in the book again so he didn't see my face. My eyes scanned the book left to right trying to find the reverse spell, when I found found something, it was a hand drawn picture of a women and man kissing it looks like mist coming out of their backs intertwining above them. I read the description "it says that you have to kiss the person to reverse the spell" I murmured. We looked at each other before a mad grin came upon our faces.

We speed walked out of the library "Okay I'll tell Derek you tell Chloe because we tell them at the same time they will have to switch and then nobody will win the bet, but if we tell them separately they wouldn't want to tell each other feeling that they might have lost the bet so when one feel like that they can't take it anymore they will kiss the other person making them loose the bet" Simon said. "You are a genius" I cried hugging him tightly before skipping off to find Chloe. "Chloe dear" I cooed, "In the kitchen darling" I giggled and ran into the kitchen to find Chloe sitting on the floor crossed legged eating a pear.

I found a way to reverse the curse. Her head snapped up and she grinned then caught herself "okay tell me" she replied coolly taking a bit out of her pear "well you have to kiss Derek" I whispered. She choked on her pear and pounded her chest with her fist "you okay" I replied innocently "yeah just peachy" she replied.

SPOV I ran to find Derek and laughed when I found him tied to a chair in his own room, he glared and his eyes begged me to untie him. Nodding i did "I found a way to reverse the curse" I said. He perked up immediately then calmed himself down back to his cool posture "yeah sure" he replied examining his nails "you have to kiss Chloe" I whispered, he choked on his own spit or tongue i guess. "You okay" I replied innocently "yeah just fucking peachy" he replied bitterly. "Well bye" I replied running out of the room, then ran into Danny who both screamed and toppled down the stairs. I twisted so i would land on my back.

"Ouch" Danny whined sitting up so he straddled me, he rubbed his head and then i noticed how utterly adorable he was. His cute boyish round face was framed with his jet black hair, eye liner circled his silver colored eyes. I gulped and rested my hands on his hips, he didn't seem to noticed because his small little hands were running through his hair to find the bump "ouch" he replied again, his pink lips formed a cute pout, then he looked at me.

I just loved the way he talked to be people, he would always stare them in the eyes speaking as if he looked into your soul "you okay" he replied, I shook my head "huh? oh what yes I'm fine" I replied squeezing his hips, he shifted and he rubbed against my erection.

Gasping I tightened my grip on his hips, he looked at me confused 'so innocent like a little puppy' i thought. I gritted my teeth before rasped out "Can you get off of me" I pleaded. His eyes widened a soft blush bloomed his face, "sorry sorry" he replied repeating getting up quickly. I stood up, we both glanced at each other before looking away blushing. "Did you tell her" I finally asked, he sighed in relief as did i when the awkward tension was gone.

TPOV His chest heaved up and down as he slept his crimson lips parted puffs of warm air fanned my lips, and i shuddered. He rumbled in his sleep and tightened his arms around my waist pulling my flush against his, on their own account, my legs tangled with his.

This close i could see this face perfectly he was beautiful. the usual tousled brown hair was know matted against his head, my hand hesitantly reached out and rested on top of his head and ghosted down his face, to his thick neck. I then noticed he was always wearing a tight leather bang around his small black opals were beaded into it. I traced it gently, it probably meant something important to him because he always wore it.

"it's my fathers" a deep voice drawled, i looked up quickly, his blue green eyes looking down into my brown ones. "Oh" I whispered looking back down at the necklace fingering the smooth and worn out leather, his lips pressed against my forehead. I shut my eyes and felt him inhale then exhale softly. He "he gave it to me when my mother died" he murmured his lips still on my forehead. "How did you mother die?" I asked looking up at him, he smiled softly and kissed the area between my eyes.

"Uh what i mean was that no you don't have to tell me!" I said quickly blushing, he laughed and pressed me tighter against him, my sore breast up against his hard chest. "It's okay...she died protecting me and Danny... Mother warned us not play near the fire place and we didn't listen to her. She was baking something and told us not to go in the kitchen nor the fireplace, Dad was at work. We both were at least 6, she decided that she would use the bathroom, Danny wanted to throw her beautiful coral reef fishes. I agreed because we were jealous of them and their beauty we wanted mother all to our selves. So we decided to kill them, something happened and all i remember was a small fire turning into a big one that was spreading across the house. i protected Danny and ran to my mother who was washing her hair, I told her she ran out screaming"

He took a deep breath and I snuggled into him giving him a small kiss on his chest "we ran outside just in time, I ran back inside to grab my favorite toy that I always kept, Danny followed me, then mother. the fire fighters tried to held them back but she knocked one out and ran inside. She held us because there was no way we could have escaped, the roof cracked and fell she protected us with her body when they found out. Danny and I had major burnt marks but we recovered mother didn't. We both blamed ourselves, Dad never remarried for he was devoted to her." he whispered. I looked at him his eyes were swimming with tears but he held them back.

He chuckled "I still have the toy" he whispered getting up pulling on his pants, i sat drawing the sheet to my chest. "give me a second" he replied kissing me quickly then running. I sat there for a few minuets until he ran back locking the door shut a small grin on his face, he pulled off his jeans and jumped into bed.

He pulled back the bed curtains and we were surrounded by darkness, "here" he said holding out a worn out tiger. I smiled holding it gently in my hand "he's adorable" I breathed. He blushed "what's his name" I replied coming my fingers through his white mane, "uh strips" he replied getting comfortable under the covers I joined him. I looked at his necklace "that was your mothers" I asked.

he nodded and fingered it "she told me to give it someone special and to someone i know will stay by my side forever" he said. I nodded looking down feeling a bit hurt that he didn't want me. I stopped when the necklace was brought around my neck. He reached back and tightened up the strap for my small neck "there we are" he whispered.

I blushed "how will you know that I will stay with you forever" I murmured. Hunter laughed "I just know" he purred getting up to lean over me, peppering my face with kisses "beside you can't resist me" he cooed. I rolled my eyes "horny cat" I muttered, his normal being back to himself. He laughed again, and kissed him his hands roaming all over my body.

I suppressed a groan but he wasn't going to have non of that because he grabbed my breast giving them a slight squeeze, I groaned "there we are" he replied smirking. I shoved his shoulder, he leaned back down to kiss me but stopped, he looked to his left I looked as well, his tiger 'stripes' was sitting there gazing at us. Hunter smirked and turned the tiger around so his back was to us "there now no more peeping toms" he replied huskily, lowering himself onto me.


DPOV I watched Chloe every move, i knew exactly how to get rid of the curse but i kissed her i would defiantly loose and i didn't want that to happen. Hunter and Tori were oddly quite during dinner, they just kept sneaking glances. Hunter would smile or smirk making her blush and she would turn away or give him a smile of her own, there was an odd necklace around her neck which was around Hunter's neck at first.

I defiantly don't want to know what happened between them. My attention was brought back when a feminine bony hand slithered up my leg. I shrieked and glared at Molly who was smirking. Chloe glared at Molly who glared right back, 'hahaha she's jealous' i thought snickering.

'Ahh a jealous chloe was hot...but not right now because she was in my body and right know that didn't sound good' i grimaced and stuffed my face with noodles and meatballs. A small whimper came to my left, chloe had her hand clamped down on her bicep to stop the muscle spasm. I grinned 'she can't take it then she'll have to give up.hahahah' i thought,

after dinner we were sitting on the couch chloe was breathing heavily and sweating, she would whimper once in a while, "That's it!" she yelled stomping over to me, we all were shocked when she grabbed me and smacked her lips to mine. I laid there in her arms before shutting my eyes and kissed her back which was defiantly weird because i was kissing myself.

I felt a tug on my back and a sharp pain, when i opened my eyes, i was looking back into pair of blue ones, and holding Chloe. I let her go and looked down at myself, "hahahahah yes! I'm back!" I yelled then cried out when my back arched, i fell to the ground and chloe shrieked rushing to myself. "Let's go outside" she whispered in my ear. I nodded and "don't follow us that included you Danny" she said sternly and we both hobbled outside. We didn't get far before I fell down again my back arching most painful this time.

CPOV "Ch-ch-chloe" he rasped out, "i-i-i think t-this is the l-l-last time" he stuttered. I nodded and rubbed his back, I saw his jeans and shirt rip off his body, even at this time i felt myself blush. When I saw his ripped muscles underneath his green shirt and dark jeans. His neck cracked and twisted, his pink lips turned black and thy were pulled back revealing pearl white daggers for teeth.

His hands turned into claws then to wolf paws, fur grew from his back then reversed back again until he was heavy packed with fur. When last arch of his back, and in front of me was a beautiful, muscular wolf panting, his tongue lolled out from his mouth. Heaving up and down, "You okay Derek" I whispered, hesitantly reached my hand onto his head.

Derek gave out a small growl and wobbled to his feet, it took a few minuets for him to learn how to walk until he was playfully running around the clearing, he stopped in front of me. He leaned down as he were to pounce me, but he barked once or twice and waggled his tail 'play time' the posture said. I nodded standing up, he ran and hid behind the bushes.

"Okay I'm going to hide now" I yelled and ran into the forest. I peeled off my clip from my hair and threw it in a small skinny log that looked like i could fit in then ran off again and climbed a large tree. When I was too the top i could see the small log and further away a large black mass running towards it.

I smirked when he headed towards the log then sniffed it circling it twice, he growled and pounded his paw against the log, the he ran off right underneath my tree. he circled it and i jumped down and landing on his back, he yelped twisting around bucking until i flew off laughing and landed on my back. A second later he was on top of me nuzzling my neck, I laughed harder as he his whiskers tickled my neck. "let's go back" I replied breathlessly, he nodded and I stood up.We raced back inside the house, until we reached his bedroom.

Turning around as he changed, then i heard the soft pads of his bare foot on the hard wood floor, the closet door opening and rustle of clothes, then when it was quite again his strong arms wrapped around my waist bringing me to his chest. "I won" he voice rumbled in my ear "huh?" I replied stupidly "I won" he said smugly. I gasped turned around, he had a smug smile on his face his arms crossed. "Oh no" I groaned covering my face with my hands. "Oh yes" he cooed kissing my neck.

-The next morning- DPOV

"Chloe! Chloe!" I sang, "Chloe!" I yelled louder as I lounged in my bedroom, against those comfy pillows. The door banged open and she came in carrying a tray of fruit an angry glare on her face "here" she snapped putting the tray on the table "what was that" I taunted.

She gritted her teeth "here you go master" she replied sternly. "That's better" I smirked when her face flushed with a beautiful red blush. My eyes skimmed down her body, she was wearing a very revealing maid outfit, a perfect amount of her breast showing. With white kitten ears on top of her head.

She blushed some more, "feed me" I said coolly, "Feed yourself you fat pig" she snarled. I glanced at her, and she looked away "fine master" she whispered getting the bowl of grapes sitting on the chair "nope you sit on the bed" I cooed. Chloe glared at me and sat down while i scooted over, she hand fed me all the fruit while i read. I sometimes teased her love to see that beautiful flush on her face. I almost laughed. I just love the way she said master made me all tingly inside.

Chloe brought the juice glass to my lips and I parted them allowing the sweet cold drink in my throat. I pulled away and grimaced "did you make this yourself or was it in the carton" I asked. She looked at me "the carton I guess?" I gave her a pointed look "it was in the carton master" I nodded smiling "then go make one yourself I want to taste you juices" I purred.

She blushed and I snickered defiantly thinking of the other meaning "o-o-okay" she replied running out of the room. I let her go since she didn't say master, just this once since she was too flustered to say it.

CPOV 'Damn Derek and his stupid perverseness' i thought tugging down the short maid outfit, I mean completely humiliating when he told me to wear this especially the cat ears. I stomped into the kitchen. Molly figured out that she was flirting with Derek and she hadn't come out in her room since then, she was too embarrassed, thankfully for me she won't jump when she see's me in this outfit.

I walked into the kitchen and made 'master' a glass of lemonade, Tori walked in and gave me a sympathetic look. "Can you get a break off" she asked. "Nope" I replied "oh then why don't you bat you baby blue eyes at him" she asked. "Huh?" i replied, she sighed "watch this" she whispered.

I held the glass as tori approached Hunter timidly "Hunter" she whispered, 'hmm' he looked at her, "could you paint my nails and give me a massage i feel all tense plus make me some of your food" she whispered looking at him while batting her eyes a few times. He looked hypnotized and nodded running upstairs to get her dark purple nail polish she sat down turning on the TV as he painted her nails, she gave me a wink and I nodded.

going upstairs I walked into Derek's room "here you go master" I whispered handing him the glass, he looked confused that why wasn't i angry anymore. He drank the juice and turned back to his book "um master" i whispered. He looked at me, I moved so i was at the end of his bed "could I get a day off because I'm awfully tired" I whispered looking at him with my best innocent wide eyed looked.

i kneeling at his feet and his eyes widened when I crawled up his body snuggling into his chest. "Please master" i purred kissing his neck, "I'm so tired and I've been working since morning" I cooed, then rubbed my cheek against his purring softly. I felt his breath hitch, i looked up slightly and saw his eyes travel to my legs, i rubbed them slightly together and he whimpered. "master" I whispered against his neck, "please" i urged him pressed my chest against his "Uh sure" he moaned. I giggled and kissed his lips "thank you Derek!" I squealed ripping off the ears and running out the room, tori saw me and squealed hugging me.

Derek in his room felt slightly abandoned and lonely, the only thing left in his room was the cat ears, a very uncomfortable erection, "huh?" he replied stupidly. 5 min later he figured out he'd been seduced by his own maid "damn her" he thought grinning then frowned and walking into the bathroom for a cold shower.

Simon and Danny giggled as they watched from outside their little chloe seduce Derek, "she is a keeper" Simon whispered to him his lips brushing his, "hm-mm" Danny whispered turning around and smacking his lips to Simon's who eagerly returned the kiss.

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