The beginning

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''He wasn't always like this. He adored me and would check anyone who came in my personal space. He always supported me through thick and thin, I was never a threat to him. It was me and him that's all that mattered to me''. 

                                                                           summer of 1991 

Dion was woken up from out of his sleep, the small loud, round shaped alarm clock, that stood on his wooden dresser irritated him

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Dion was woken up from out of his sleep, the small loud, round shaped alarm clock, that stood on his wooden dresser irritated him. Already annoyed that he had to relocated to Brooklyn from Virginia, because of his mothers new job, he sat up and reached for the alarm clock, throwing it against his wall. Being somewhat relieved as he watched it shatter against the wall. '' Dion I know damn well you ain't just brake that damn alarm clock, I just bought that one", shrugging his shoulders from what his momma just said, '' Imma do it again, get another one if you want to'', saying it as low as he can so she won't hear him. Getting out of his warm bed finally embracing his cold room, causing chills to run down his spine, he walked into his bathroom that was connected to his room and ran his shower water. The water had to be hot, he hated taking cold showers. Almost forgetting he, jogged back into his room and grabbed his face, wash, and dry off towel. Stepping into the shower he closed his eyes with pleasure as he stood there letting the water run down his brown skin. He couldn't helped that he had been irritated the whole first week of being in Brooklyn. Virginia was all the sixteen year old boy knew. He left back a lot of memories, with some being good and bad. He left his good friends back, Hakeem, Trent, and Taliyah. They were bummed out about the information they received just a few days before he left, they however understood that it was best for him and his mom. His ex girlfriend,  did not take it so good. To him,  Katrina made a big deal out of nothing. 

                                                             May 27, 1991 3:52 pm: Flashback 

'' So that's it?  You just gone up and leave like that? Katrina said as she stood with her arms crossed . 

'' Baby it's not even like that. My momma got a job offer that may help me and her. You know how much she's struggling right know. You actin like we can't be together just because I'm all the way in Brooklyn. We gone stay in contact and I'll try to come see you every now and then". Dion said to his girlfriend with a slight attitude rolling his eyes. He was agitated at the fact that she wasn't understanding. 

'' Nah, that doesn't sit right with me. I don't do long distance relationships. Dion your a ladies man. you have every girl throwing themselves at you and I just think your to nice. you don't push em off or anything, you just smile and keep walking, I'm the one that's putting these girls in they place let to right". Me and you not on the same page right now". Dion stood in his girlfriends living room taking in everything she is saying to him right now. He didn't agree with what she was saying, he wasn't friendly with no bitch. She was his one and all, so what the hell is she talking about. He grew suspicious of  how she had been acting lately anyway. 

'' I don't trust you'' Katrina said knocking him out of his train of thought. 

'' You don't what?'' he said ,finally speaking up. His heart dropped to his ass when she said that. he just looked at her with those pretty brown eyes , that caught everyones attention when he entered a room. 

'' You heard me, I said I don't trust you, and with you not being here with me makes things even worse for us. I think its best if we part ways". Dion stood there looking at the girl he once called his future wife in disbelieve. He couldn't help to notice those slanted eyes of her's that made him melt in side, the neat braids she kept in her head, and her smile. Being brought back to reality from hearing her clear her throat, he nodded his head and said ''bet'', and walked out her house. he was mad ass hell from what just had happed. Dion was ready to sock any nigga in the face for just looking at him the wrong way. To say that he was upset was understanding, but he was more hurt than ever that she just did him like that. 

'' Fuck her, fuck everybody, I'm ready to get the hell on now''

Dion came back to reality once he realized that the water was getting cold. Opening his brown cartoon like eyes, he hurried up and washed up then got out. Wrapping a towel against his waist, he started brushing his teeth. Staring at himself in the mirror he smirked with approval of knowing how fine he was. After brushing his teeth and washing his face he got dressed. Walking down the cream colored, carpeted stairs he met his momma by the door. '' Took you long enough''. He shrugged, not being in the mood to talk. Seeing his attitude was already on ten, she rolled her eyes and walked out the door with him following behind her. Making sure to lock the door, they headed down the street to the bus stop. It was a short, silent walk to the bus stop before she  headed off to cross the street, '' Alright know''. She said walking off. He stood there watching her wanting to wait until she got on the bus. '' Boy gone bout yo business imma be ok'', she said noticing her son still standing across the street watching her. '' Ight ma imma see you later''. he said holding up his deuces. Dion walked down the street squinting his eyes as the sun violated his face. '' it's hot as hell'' he said thinking out loud. With Dion being Dion he made it to the school on his timing. Walking into the school building his body released from him being so tensed, as he wondered off to find the office. Finally finding it he walked in. Being that today was his first day during the middle of the school year irritated him even more. He hated being in the spot light. He walked up to the lady behind the front desk and waited until she looked up at him. Smiling she said'' How can I help you''? Im Dion Jackson, today my first day here". Once again the lady smiled looking for his schedule, finally finding it she handed it to him. '' I'll walk you to your first class''. Nodding he followed the attractive chocolate women looking at her thick curves biting his lip. They finally made it to his class which was located on the second floor, she turned around and said '' good luck'' and walked away. Standing there watching her switch off for a second he turned towards the door and walked in. The class stopped what they were doing and  all eyes were on him ,he hated that. Finally the teacher noticed he walked in and approached him. The beautiful caramel competition women smiled and greeted him. "Hello you must be Dion, I'm Mrs Robinson. You're twenty nine minutes late to my class don't let it happen again'' she said in a stern voice. '' Im going to have you sit near the back on the left side, Tiana can you please raise your hand honey?''. Without taking notice of the girl he sat right next to her. As he got situated he looked over at this Tiana girl. She was different. She had  on a white oversized t-shirt and some baggy pants, with some white air forces. Her hair being silky straight reached down to her shoulder blade, with her baby hairs softly being laid, she wore a dark Shade of Burgundy lipstick that was perfect for her skin tone. ''She so natural'' he thought. With already being late, the class was almost half way done, he however didn't notice that. He was too busy admiring the girl siting next to him, he had tuned everything out. '' damn'' he said, once again thinking out loud as she slightly licked her lips. She felt the intense stare of somebody in the room and locked eyes with him. She frowned as she notice that he was staring at her, not being abel to see his face since he had a hat over it. She quickly looked away because she didn't like people looking all in her face, feeling uncomfortable, she got up as soon as the bell rung, and rushed out the door. 

                                                                              '' I gotta have her''

Hey y'all, this is my first time wring a book on here. Feel free to leave comment and positive feed back if you have the chance. - Author 

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