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Katrina stood in the long line irritated at the fact that her friends convinced her to come to this damn show. Don't get things wrong she knew Tiana was very talented, she just hated the fact that she was with her ex boyfriend. She wouldn't call it jealousy, she found it just awkward. She didn't want to run into him no time soon, knowing that he was with her everywhere she went.She was all over the magazines, and with knowing Dion, so was he. After things ended the way they did back in 1991, Katrina regretted every moment of it. She was stuck hearing Taliyah, Hakeem, and Trent call her all sorts of stupid for how she did Dion. 

" Man I can't wait to meet her face to face, then imma cuss Dion out for dissin us" said Hakeem in a high pitched, loud voice. 

Taliyah rolled her eyes and tilted her head to the side as she saw people looking back at them.  "Damn, you loud, shut up"

 Hakeem turned to her and said, "girl don't be mad, you could've stayed yo angry ass at home, every time we go out you got something negative to say, just gone bout yo business". The two went back and forth as the line got shorter. It was know their turn. Hakeem being the first one to walk up to Tiana, greeting her with a wide smile and said '' Damn girl you know you can blow". She smiled as Dion mugged the familiar man, realizing It was Hakeem's loud ass. he watched as they took a picture together, with a slight mug on his face, " Not too much" he said thinking out loud. He said it to where both Tiana and Hakeem can hear him. 

"Aye man I know you not talking to me and you haven't seen or talked to us since you left, what's been going on?" he said with a smile dapping Dion up as Dion returned the gesture with a smile on his face. 

" Man nothing to much, I didn't mean to cut everyone off like that I was just upset" replied Dion not really wanting to talk about the situation. While Tiana continued to socialize with his old friends and hearing Hakeem ramble on about bullshit, he met eyes with Katrina. She held a some what embarrassed expression on her face as he caught her looking at him. He rolled his eyes as he felt an attitude take over his now ruined mood. 

" Fuck this Bitch here for?" he though. 

" well damn you ain't gone say hi?", he heard another high pitched voice knowing exactly who it was. Dion turned around and looked at the small women, rolling his eyes. " What's up Taliyah?" Dion said not being in the mood for her loud, attitude having ass. 

" Not to much with them eyes boy, I'm good, how you been? Niggas ain't heard from you". 

"Im straight" Dion replied as he watched Trent being all in his girls face. He left Taliyah standing there and walked over to the two. "Aye bruh you to fuckin close" Dion said with a serious tone. Trent turned around slightly smirking, knowing that he just got under Dion's skin. The two haven't always had the best friendship, they've gotten into it couple times. With Trent's slick mouth and Dions temper they  went at it. 

" Aye man, I'm just making a conversation with the pretty lady" replied Trent as he smirked, throwing his hands up. Slowly backing up he said, " Instead of worrying about what I'm doing why don't you tend to yo ex" as he replied pointing at Katrina who was know mugging Trent. 

Tiana turned towards Katrina and slightly mugged her, then gave Dion the same face expression. 

" Baby it's not like that, she's an old ex that I haven't talked to in years.". 

Know having an attitude at the fact that his ex had the nerve to be at her concert, she walked away without saying anything. Dion rolled his eyes as he started to follow her but stoped once Katrina called his name. 

"Dion" she said softly, heart beating so fast, it felt like it was about to explode. 

Dion turns around mugging the women who hurt him the most. He had never experienced so much pain, and didn't expect it to come from her. He'll never forget how she treated him the last time he saw her. " I don't trust you" replayed over and over as he stared at the women. 

"Katrina you got some fuckin nerves bringing yo ass up here". Dion said in a harsh tone

Katrina rolled her eyes and said " Your friends told me to come here. I'm not here to hate or cause any trouble".

" Well you should've stayed yo ass home,  you not welcomed here" replayed Dion as he walked to where Tiana was. To say she felt embarrassed was an understatement, she was hurt. She didn't know why she though that they could have come to a clear understanding, and could have possibly made up. He was right, she wasn't welcomed there. It was now Tiana and Dion. what they had is over, she messed up. 

While standing in a corner Trent saw what just happened, and felt bad about what he started. He looked at Katrina with sympathy as he looked at Tiana feeling bad that he may have caused some shit between her and Dion. " They gone argue when they get in the car"he said to himself as he shrugged and walked away. 

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