Come Again?

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As she walk down the hall, Tiana couldn't help but too blush. It was something about him. Once she walked out of the class she, for some reason felt bad for how she treated the boy. " Maybe he wanted to talk to me" she though as she walked to her locker. Reaching into her decorated locker filled with pictures of her old friends and some of her family, she grabbed her next notebook that read '' chemistry''. She rolled her eyes as she though about going to that class, she just found it extremely hard. Tiana sighed as she closed her locker only to hear a loud  bang right next to her. She looked up and met eyes with Jay. The boy who had been picking with her since elementary school. She looks down not wanting to trigger the boy. Tiana brushes past him, only for him to grab her arm and lightly swing her back. 

" So you not gone speak" he said with aggression. 

" Jay please I'm not in the mood today" Tiana tries to walk away but to only be yanked by the arm causing a throbbing sensation. She hissed and frowned, looking back at Jay. 

" I know you not mean mugging me lil girl". Jay found that picking on her would make his day go by smooth. It wouldn't feel right if he didn't. He had a crush on her since kindergarten but got turned down every time. That is until they got into middle school. He started hanging out with these boys who suggested messing with her would make her like him. He did it and just couldn't get enough of it every since then. His feelings for her went away since he noticed there was no way in hell the girl would give him a chance. That only made him upset. Jay now has the quiet girl pushed up against her locker. With his hand softly on her chin he looks deeply into her eyes "You gone be in what ever mood I want you to be in". Jay says, making a scene infont of everyone in the hallway. He found it fun to embarrass her and make her look bad only because he felt like she embarrassed him by not giving him a chance. 

Really not being in the mood , her brown eyes darted across the hallway, seeing people looking at her. Some with the face of disgust or laughter. Her face starts to turn red as her throat starts to burn. 

Walking down the hall not paying attention to his surroundings, Dion is looking down at his schedule trying to see what his next class is. "Chemistry" he sucks his teeth and rolls his eyes. he hates chemistry. It wasn't too hard for him but he just couldn't stand it. Now looking up he sees everyone crowed in the hallway. Frowning, feeling his attitude come again he pushes past people, wishing someone would push him back. As he got closer he sees the girl. '' Damn she got a boyfriend?" he said thinking out loud. As he got closer his face soften up as he saw her face. " She red as hell"  he thought to himself. He saw her eyes watering up with the look of embarrassment upon her face. He was no longer irritated or disappointed, he realized ol boy wasn't her man. " He fuckin wit ha" He said to himself. Dion dropped every thing and threw his book bag to the ground. Walking over there with a mug on his face, pulling his pants up, he sucker punches jay making him fall to the ground. Before he could get up Dion was already on top of Jay giving him the business. 

          Dion blacked out. All he remember is seeing blood on his knuckles and blood all over the face of a nigga who had the audacity to be fuckin with that girl. Looking up he made eye contact with the girl. He must have scared her, she looked terrified. His face soften as he saw hers. He hated how sad and scared she looked. He felt bad. He was feeling something he never felt before, it made him uncomfortable. He didn't even know the girl and felt like he had to protect her. As it felt like forever that they had been looking at each other, Dion gets escorted to the principles office. 

    Reality hit again, now he had to deal with his momma yelling at him for whopping somebody ass on his first day of  school, over the phone. He let her get it all out  because he didn't feel like arguing with her. He rolled his eyes and hung up the phone after he made sure she was done talking. 

" So what happen?" said the skinny, man with a lumpy suit asked. 

Catching him off guard her replied " Somebody was messing with this chick, I had to protect her" Raising his eyebrow the principle said, " Im going to suspend you for just three days, but for  now on, let the staff handle it". Dion mugged the man and got up and left.  " Where the fuck y'all was at when it first happen" thinking out loud once again. 

Tiana was so bothered from what just happed, she decided not to go to her next class. She walks down the hall with her head held down with tears rolling down her eyes. As she recalls looking around and see the people she once called her friends laughing at what was happening to her. they turned their back on her when they got into high school. All three of her now ex bestfriends, Tammy, Shay, and Willow. Lost in her train of though she bumps into a hard body. She looks up and see the boy. The once highly upset boy looked down at her and his face soften as he saw hers. Her face had gotten even more red, and she had been crying. He hated to see that. 

"you ok"? he asked softly, not wanting to scare her away. 

"Yeah" she said looking down. 

He softly grabbed her chin and looked her in her eyes. She finally got to see his face. He was handsome. He could hypnotize anyone with those big brown eyes. lost in her thoughts, she swallowed her cry away. She wasn't to comfortable with people being this close to her but she somehow felt comfortable with letting him be that close. 

"I gotchu" the boy said.

" Come again? Tiana replied as he let her chin go and softly walked past her. 

" I said I gotchu, for now on ain't nobody gone fuck witchu" he said looking back at her. She softly smiled and walked away, while Dion being down the hall watching her. He sighed while feeling uncomfortable letting her walk by herself. Jogging up to her he says, "Let me walk witchu".She jumped as she didn't know he was behind her. Looking up at him she said......


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