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Drew woke up while I was making coffee and lunch for us. He was able to catch up with me and  reason with me . We had dessert and both of us were tired and skipped breakfast so we were extra hungry .

I went home to find my wife packing for her shoot. She still wouldn't talk to me even when Brian and Christina were present packing the stuff they were gonna use. Brian and Christina could tell something was wrong but didn't say anything until they were leaving. Christina told me that they would be gone for two days in New York and staying at the trump tower and it was being paid by clients so I would at least know when and where and when they would return. I thanked her and told them to have a safe flight.  She didn't say anything as they got into town car.
I just entered our bedroom after I had heard her lock the front door and turn the alarm on. I at least knew she cared about my safety. I nodded off because even though I slept with my aunts as I did as a kid, I was still tired.  I dreamt about my first marriage.  I decided to text June to tell her I was faithful and I stayed with my aunts and watched a movie.  I informed her in my text that even though my aunts and I cuddled I was having nightmares about my ex husband.  She responded she was sorry and hopes I sleep better the next three days and see Kim Andrew's. On Monday afternoon.  She made an appointment for me.  My auntie Jane had text her saying I didn't sleep well and why. With her being mad at me, brought up the man I haven't thought in years and and she still loved me but was still struggling with the information. She and Maura both apologized to I her as well my aunts.  I  responded saying I was truly sorry and wished this didn't happen to us and the others.  She told me that Tommy and Drew had made up. Gloria did too after Izzy slugged her and slapped Joey at her work.  Izzy made up to after an incident in the bedroom and Izzy her not to go home.  She said this was just another hurdle.  She said Rony still wasn't speaking with Katelyn and asked me to go over there.  I told her instead of my nap that I would.
I told her thank her for still caring and loving me.  She said she never stopped. I told her I love her and was driving as this text was being sent to her via voice activated on my cell through blue tooth and I just arrived so we could talk more tomorrow. 

Hello baby girl what are you doing here? I heard your the only one left who hasn't made up with her wife

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Hello baby girl what are you doing here? I heard your the only one left who hasn't made up with her wife.  Yes it's true. 

My aunt opened her arms up and I cried in her arms.Rony closed the door and hugged me.

Let's all go sit down and discuss this.

We sat down. 
Rony we only kept my aunts true identity for everyone's safety. It wasn't done out of mischief. We love and care too much to anything to happen to you.  My aunt loves you. I called her Katelyn or auntie out of respect because she was my aunts twin.  I would of still called her that even if I had known. The mistrust of my aunts and cousins has caused me to have nightmares of my ex husband.  I left last night to apologize to my auntie Jane. She has decided to take more time off. This has physically drained her for not telling any of us about the connection of my aunts and uncles and her secret with my auntie Maura. I made up with them after auntie Maura slapped me. Growing up in the family none or my aunts, uncles nor their spouses have ever hit me. The slap hurt for the mere fact she slapped me and she was so disappointed in me for shoving my auntie Jane and causing her back to be bruised.  Auntie Jane to apologize to my wife. I slept at their house and fell asleep in their bed like I use to do when I was a kid. My wife and to new York for two days.  She didn't say anything to me while they were loading up the equipment in the town car.  Christina is the one who told me and Brian stayed quiet.  I heard my wife lock the door and turn alarm on when I was in our bedroom.  I text her and we know this hurt us both and others too with the secrets I had part in. My wife made me an appointment tomorrow to see Kim.  She asked  me to come over so we could talk. I am glad everyone has worked it out . I heard about Gloria and Joey and Kiki interactions by Izzy. I am hurt that the family didn't trust me to confide in me.  Why don't you go with me and your aunt to get your belongings so you could stay with us so your not alone. You can sleep in our 🛌 so you can feel safe. Okay. Babe I am truly sorry for not disclosing the family secret. We still cannot discuss this with others for our safety and theirs. With Izzy doing what she did is gonna cause problems in my nieces and nephews marriages and/or girlfriend/ boyfriend relationships because they cannot discuss it. I agree they should be able to tell their spouse at least. This is gonna go through the rumor mill.   Kelly Severide and Stella already called me to see if I was okay after they heard I left Jane and  Maura's home the way  I  did.  I didn't like having to lie to them. I now know how this was eating you all up.  I cannot even discuss with our other extended family members.  I will go get my stuff and will come back for dinner. This will give you time to talk and have dessert.  Okay msjr sure you are back here at five.  Dinner will be at five fifteen minutes. YES auntie. I love you. I love you TOO. I left for home to pack and take a nap.

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