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The following morning I was so grateful to wake up next to my wife even though she just farted. I got up immediately and opened the bedroom window. I then woke her up and told her we needed to take  a shower to meet everyone for breakfast.

Babe I  farted again in my sleep and those beans didn't help.  It's okay Vivien it's part of nature.  I have smelled worse in my career and yours top with the tires burns on the race track. Thank you for not making fun of me.  You definitely are not like David. He always made fun of me and still does. I am not nothing like David. No you are not. How did you think we did yesterday surprising you? You did well. Thank you for dessert.  I can't believe I really thought you started your menses too.  You definitely are good at lying to me  Babe it was the only thing I could think of that was believable and you didn't question me. Hmmm going to have to think of future when you tell me that. No you don't Hollie.  I  have only lied to you twice since being together which occurred the last two days.

We took shower and my wife and I stayed on the ensuite for awhile.  We screamed so much and came hard together and both squirted. I am glad we were in the  shower. We got dressed and my dad made breakfast for us.  My aunts left for work since it was Thursday morning . 

Vivien we have a new sponsor for you.  Richard is going to sponsor us and William is going to supply us with tires for all three of you. William thank you  Your welcome.  Mrs.  Regan brought these cards for everyone who donate funds or something. 

I opened them up and Vivien and I read them. The kids did the drawing and coloring while she wrote in each one and the kids signed their names. The drawings were some good and others not so good. There were a entire case filled with cards..we only read a few.  My siblings and their spouses, my parents and us addressed each one. Lisa and Avery said they would drop them off for me and pay for the postage. Mrs. Regan and the kids were flying back with John, Joy, Jenna,  Deb, Richard and Jackie. John would take the Regan's first before they continued to Italy .

The rest of were going fishing on Javier and Penelope huge boat. Penelope would be the driver of it because Javier was still rehabilitating from his soccer injury.

We made lunch and all of us headed to their home. I was glad rhe Schumachers were to enjoy this.  They

enjoy fishing and never have  fished in the ocean

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enjoy fishing and never have  fished in the ocean. We all had our life jackets and lots of
beverages especially water. We were going from their place to San Francisco to enjoy fishing and go shopping. 

We were enjoying everyone and it was  relaxing. Penelope allowed me and Rafl to steer their huge boat.  It was definitely alot bigger than the one I was use too.

Babe no before you ask. You would have to.pay for storage.How did you even.figure out what I was thinking? Hollie I  saw the look on your face when you were steering this huge boat. We don't use the one we have like we use too. Sis if you are interested in selling yours, I will buy it for David. Nope going to keep mine. You will have to keep it at your inlaws if you do get a boat unless you add on to the garage.  Dad won't let David use his. Rafl why not? He wrecked it by not paying attention even though he paid for it to get fixed. Babe don't let David steer. I won't Javier. Ah dad I  was so close. It was my turn next. I am glad I said something. We probably would get stranded out here and possibly sink.

We all looked at David.

Babe no boat for you.  I would like to still live and not have to worry about staying alive. I am not that bad. Cousin you are. I will show you the damage he did tibmy uncles boat.

Mick aka Michael showed us photos .
We all just shook our heads .

We finally made it to San Francisco and Penelope steered it to be docked.  Mick and Rafl tied it up while Penelope dropped the anchor.

We finished our lunch before we went shopping and site seeing . We had a blast and we by bought several Christmas presents too as well as some jewelry along with Boudin bread and some Ghirardelli chocolate. We finally returned to my aunts and we all  took turns cleaning and cooking the fish everyone caught and Penelope and Amal made the side dishes with beer. and alcohol free beer for dinner. 
We than all headed to Jocelyn's personal race track  they could practice. Several even raced against my extended family members .

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