The womanizer

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Phillip Hawkins, a bartender and owner of the Aurora, Jessica Hawkins' elder brother. In duskwood,he has a reputation of playing around with women. He seems to be quite the opposite from his sister. Though he isn't bad looking. I scanned his picture and he has a huge tattoo on his neck, long hair and abit muscular you can just say... somehow a mr.steal your girl.

I was going through his background until i heard a notification.

???: you are really going to contact him?

Y/n: yes,yes i am. Why do you ask?

???: oh nothing he looks dangerous you have to be careful.

Y/n: hackerman cares about me?

???: No. I still need help to find Hannah.

Y/n: okay okay

???: don't get too close to him and don't become one of his victims.

Y/n: do i look like a woman who could be played just like that?

???: if you were i wouldn't be here helping you i know you're reserved and know where you stand and don't let people fool you easily

I gasped i did not expect compliments from him especially in great details...

Y/n: did hackerman just compliment me?

???: yes,would you like more?


Y/n: you have more i see, observing me too much eh?

???: well i have to be careful with whom I'm working with

Y/n: just say you couldn't help but find me cute😌

???: maybe, maybe not.

Okay okay hold up! why am I suddenly blushing, shush Y/n!!! you don't even know his name!!

Y/n: well that's unfair you know too much about me now let me know about you i find you fascinating as well😋

???: um you know alot about me

I scoffed at his reply what does he mean jeez.

Y/n: you mean i know the fact you're a hacker....hiding from the government...uses alot of punctuations...serious...too serious... have moodswings because sometimes you're nice sometimes you're rude

???: see that's alot and sometimes i don't mean to be rude I'm just keeping my boundaries.

Y/n: you don't have to keep your boundaries with me btw also no it's not enough information atleast tell me your nameee😩😩😩

???: No.

Y/n: please?

???: No.

Y/n: pretty pleaseeee?

???: No.

Ugh i atleast want to know his name...what should I do.... I'll just send a voice mail.

Y/n: hackerrrmannnnn tell me your nameeeeee pretty pleaseee???

Cringe but i used my most convincing voice he definitely can't say no now.

???'s pov:

Why does she want to know my name so badly? hackerman was fine... a decent nickname she chose for me actually...


Mhm.. a voice mail... odd. Dangerous. I feel like i shouldn't listen to it.But, I'm sure it's nothing.

*plays the audio*

I- um that was random. I never knew about this side of her... it was kind of... adorable.

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