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"You're off again, hyune?" felix says as he grabs a glass from the cabinet, glancing at hyunjin from across the room.

"Yeah, i'll be back by tonight though. Just in time for dinner or whatever." hyunjin mumbles as he tosses his things around looking for his keys. felix smiles as he reaches in his back pocket taking slow steps towards hyunjin.

"Can i come with you this time?" felix whispers near his ear as he dangles the keys in his face. hyunjin let's out a sigh of relief, "No." he reaches towards the keys but fails as felix retracts them towards him.

"Why?" Felix whines as he uses his secret secret weapon of sticking out his bottom lip. hyunjin slumps his shoulders as he sighs, "You know why felix we already went over this."

"Yeah i know something about you being mixed with some fucked up shit you don't want me getting involved in. Okay, i get that but imagine how i feel sitting here waiting for you to come home every night while your out doing god knows what." felix rumbles as he paces around the room, still very much pouting. Hyunjin lightly chuckles at how cute he looks and walks over to him and grabbing his chubby cheeks, holding him in place.

"You don't have to worry about me, felix. I always come back, don't i?" Felix looks away as he chews on his bottom lip, clearly deciding whether or not he wants to protest. Bringing his thumb down towards felixs bottom lip and releasing it from in between his teeth. Hyunjin starts to caresses his bottom lip, "I wouldn't be able to do what i need to do properly knowing you're out there with me and could potentially be in danger. I feel happier knowing you're here safe."

Felix finally looks up and meets his eyes and lets out a sigh. He leans forward and wraps his arms around Hyunjin's neck, burying his head in the crook of it, "Fine, I'll stay here," Hyunjin softly smiles as he wraps his arms around Felix's tiny waist, "But just know i'm inviting chan over." Felix whispers in his ear.

Hyunjin groans rather loudly as he rolls his eyes and pulls away from the embrace, "You still fuck around with that guy?" Hyunjin questions with clear annoyance on his face.

"Yes, I do. He entertains me while I sit here and wait for you all night." Felix replies defensively as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"You know Felix, if you want a good fuck you can always come to me, you know I'd never turn you down." Hyunjin wraps his arms around felixs waist and pulls him closer, almost instinctively resting his hand on his ass.

Felix rolls his eyes and pushes Hyunjin away, "Shut up, you pervert. The reason why i go to chan is because we'll he's.. chan." Felix shrugs.

"And what about me?" Hyunjin asks as he snorts jokingly but feeling a little nervous all of a sudden. "Well, you're my best friend since fucking 2nd grade." Hyunjin laughs, "I know i was just kidding, lix." Felix puffs his cheeks out as he slightly goes red, embarrassed for being easily fooled.

"Yeah, I know, just go and leave already so you can hurry your ass back here." Felix walks back into the kitchen to his forgotten glass that was left on the table.

"What? No goodbye kiss?" Hyunjin yells as he walks towards the door, he lets out a laugh as Felix sticks up his middle finger at him and exits the door.

"Tonight, we're dealing with 3 men. Should be pretty simple. Been caught walking into kindergarten schools and exiting too frequently lately, of course police has been called but we all know it'll be years before they even look at the case." Changbin, Hyunjin's boss, tells the group of men huddled together.

  ❝ 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 ❞ - 𝗵𝘆𝘂𝗻𝗹𝗶𝘅 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆Where stories live. Discover now