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"Mmm, Chan, right there don't stop." Felix moans as Chan continues to pound inside of him. The room is hot and the bed is smacking against the wall as chan brings one of felixs legs over his shoulder, hitting at a deeper angle. Felix moans louder at the new feeling and throws his head back, "Cha-channie, please, faster!"

"Anything for you, lix." Chan says out of breath as  grabs his waist and picks the speed at an even faster pace, repeatedly pounding into felixs sweet spot, causing felixs whole body to joint forward with every thrust.

"Yes, yes, yes! Mmm you feel so fcking good!" Felix slurs as he grips the sheets beneath him, feeling his eyes gloss over from the amount of pleasure he's feeling. Chan leans forward and kisses captures felixs lips with his, "Fe-felix, im so close, ngh!"

"Me- me too, chan. Are you going to cum inside me? Hm? Fill me up?" Felix buries one of his hands in his curly hair as he kisses him hard on the lips. "Fuck, lix!" Felix gasps as Chan fucks him even harder, increasing the loud smacking noises between them. Chan has felixs name chanting on his lips like a mantra as he reaches his climax, "Felix, im gonna cu- cum! i'm gonna cum!"

"Let's cum together, channie." Felix brings his body closer to him as he feels his climax approaching, "Just like that, Channie, god, you feel so good inside of me."

"F-felix! Fuck!" Chan throws his head back as he cums inside of felix, filling him up. "Ngh, Channie~" Felix cums shortly after as he bites down on Chan's shoulder, leaving a mark. Chan still thrusts into felix as he rides out his high. Both of them breathe heavily as they try to catch their breath. Felix leaves a kiss on chans shoulder where he left the bruises, going up his neck, chin, cheek and stopping at his lips.

"thank you for today, i had fun." He bites down on his bottom lip and pulls it and leans in to kiss him. Chan smiles into the kiss as he slowly pulls out of felix, leaving felix releasing a low groan as he does so. "Me too, Lix." Chan rolls out the bed and goes into the bathroom to grab a clean towel, going back into felixs room and cleaning up any cum that's left on him. "All done." Chan announces as he jumps back into bed and snuggles the younger close to him. The younger giggles and pulls chan closer, ready to close his eyes and go to sleep until he hears keys jiggling and the door opening,

"Lix, I'm home like i promised!" Hyunjin yells from the living room. Chan eyes widen as he hears a squeal from felix and from suddenly feeling the body warmth from him being removed, "Hyune's home!" Felix searches for his pink robe and runs out the room, eager to greet the black haired boy.

"Hyune!" Felix yells as he jumps onto the boy, throwing his arms around him. Hyunjin loses his balance for a second but laughs as wraps his arms around the smaller, feeling safe in his arms. But his smile fades as he seems an extra pair of shoes on the floor that aren't his.

"Chan, come out already." Hyunjin yells as he rolls his eyes but still hugging the younger. He hears the bed creak in Felixs room and sees Chan walk out with only his joggers on.

"Hyunjin. Nice to see you again." Chan says as he looks around the room, not knowing where exactly to stand. The room is thick with awkward silence (CAW CAW CAW) as Hyunjin stares Chan down, taking in the fact that he's only wearing a pair of joggers.

"Why is it so awkward between you two?" Felix snorts as he removes himself from hyunjin. "I say we watch a movie for the rest of the night!" Felix claps cutely as he looks between the boys, searching for approval.


"I would love to lix, but i have something to do in the morning.." Chan smiles apologetically as he goes and puts on the rest of his clothes.

"Awww, that's too bad, Channie. I guess it's just you and me as usual Hyune." Felix gives him a soft smile.

"Yeah, as it should be."

Felix giggles and walks towards chan, "I'll walk you out sexy."

As Chan leaves, Hyunjin starts to get comfy, taking off his shoes and cracking his exhausted back. (All the clothing he had on during the mission is left at the headquarters for cleaning, he would never bring that around Felix.)

Hearing the door close, Hyunjin let's out a loud groan as he rest his feet onto the coffee table. "Wow, you're getting old" Felix laughs as plops next to Hyunjin putting his legs over his.

"I may be getting older but i'll always be the better looking one" Hyunjin smirks as he leans over and places a kiss on Felix's cheek.

"Yeah right," Felix scoff. "We all know I'm the most gorgeously stunning person you've ever seen." Felix humphs proudly as he sticks his tongue out at Hyunjin.

"Well, cant deny that. Because you are," He moves closer to felix and wraps his arms around his waist, "How come we never hooked up before? I would say the sexual tension is there." He nibbles on Felixs ear which results in felix pushing him away in disgust.

"Because you're a fucking moron." Felix slaps him on the back of his head, causing Hyunjin to yelp in pain while pouting.

"Speaking of hook ups... what's going on with you and chan?"

"Nothing.. I mean he likes me that's for sure but I don't know, when I met him i didn't plan on anything serious happening." Felix says as he shrugs.

"And what if it does? What if something serious happens?" Hyunjin asks as he looks at felix closely.

"I don't know. He's not a bad guy and I don't mind the idea of falling for him, if that's what you're asking." He turns away from hyunjin and rest his head on his shoulder.

"You can do better, Lix." Hyunjin wraps his arms around Felix and brings him closer.

"You barely know him, Hyune." Felix giggles as he snuggles closer to Hyunjin.

"I know. I just want what's best for you."

"I appreciate that but i say we give him a chance first, okay?" felix looks up at Hyunjin with pleading eyes.

"..Okay fine," Felix smiles adorablely at that. "But on one condition," Felix tilts his head waiting for hyunjin to finish.

"Promise me I'll always be your number one." Hyunjin sticks out his pinky finger.

Felix giggles and smiles brightly as he connects their pinkies,

"I promise, Hyune. No one can replace you."


i hope you enjoy chapter 2!! thanks for the comments and stars!!

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