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hyunjin and felix became inseparable when they were little kids in the second grade. felix being the sunshine and hyunjin being the sunshine protector.

their friendship started one sunny humid day where the kids decided it was a perfect day to go to the park. two of those kids were felix and hyunjin. felix was just sitting on the swing, being the happy little boy that he is, until a known class bully came towards him and demanded felix to pick a new swing.

"b-but i was here first.." felix trails off with his voice small and shaky. felix absolutely hated and feared confrontations and conflict, he just wanted everything and everyone to be happy.

"does it look like i care? i said find a new swing." and with that, the bully pushed felix off the swing. felix landed on the floor with a thump, right on his butt. he lets out a small ow as he rubs his bottom trying to lessen the pain and stop the tears from falling. the bully just sits there and laughs as he makes his way to the swing but he didn't make it far though as a flop of hair passes by felixs view. with a gasp, he looks down on the ground in front of him to see the bully on the ground with a scratched up face with a tad bit of blood coming from the newly fresh made scars. felix looks up with a sniffle to see a boy, a boy who's a bit taller than him and black hair and a pretty mole under his left eye.

"you should really learn how to protect yourself, i'm not always gonna be around to scare off the bad guys, you know." the boy says as he reaches his hand out to felix.

with a meek nod, felix shyly reaches out with his much smaller hand and lets himself get helped up by the mysterious boy. after standing on his two feet and dusting himself off, he sees the boy start to walk away.

"w-wait!" felix calls out as he runs up to the boy and grabs his wrist. the boy turns to give felix a sharp glare which resulted felix to back away slightly out of fear. "what?" he hisses.

"i just wanted to say thank you for helping me... and to introduce myself," felix gains the confidence to look up and make eye contact with the boy. despite the glare he's giving felix, there isn't any malicious intent behind his eyes and felix softly smiles at that, "my name is felix."

the boy blinks for a few seconds before grabbing felixs hand that reached out to him and held it softly, "i'm hyunjin."

ever since then, hyunjin made a promise that night to himself to always be there to protect felix which is why he joined a top secret agent— of murderers.

where they're from, there's so many bad people who would take advantage of a pretty sweet soul like felix and hyunjin would rather be shot than let that ever happen to the sweet boy of his dreams.

speaking of that, hyunjin slowly developed feelings for felix over the years until he finally decided to confess during 6th grade when he was just discovering what love was.

"lix?" hyunjin called out softly, while they were planted together in felix's treehouse, feeling nervous suddenly.

"yes, hyune?" felix turned over, smiling oh so sweetly at him, causing hyunjin's heart to swell up.

it was silent for a few seconds while hyunjin tried to get his words together. confessing to felix was only scary in the sense of not knowing how felix felt about him but he knows felix would never hurt his feelings purposely. felix would still accept and love hyunjin no matter what.

  ❝ 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 ❞ - 𝗵𝘆𝘂𝗻𝗹𝗶𝘅 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆Where stories live. Discover now