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Hisoka awoke the following morning feeling heavily groggy and dazed. His head was pounding violently as he looked around the room, white sheets covering his clothed body. The clothes were definitely not his as he looked down at them, his boss had made sure that he wore clothes that were a lot more revealing than a hoodie and sweatpants.

A glass of water was resting on the nightstand and he immediately drank from it, surprised by how dry his throat was. After a few moments, he took in the surroundings of the room much more thoroughly, noting on how nothing about it seemed the slightest bit familiar. The worst part was that Hisoka had absolutely no memory of how he had even ended up in this place.

It was as if the events of last night had left one giant chasm in his mind.

Hisoka was about to throw back the covers when the bedroom door opened and his yellow gaze snapped upwards. A man with black hair that ended at the nape of his neck and green earrings stood at the doorway, the redhead noticing the tattoo on his forehead.

"Ah, I see you've finally woken up." The man's voice was even and calm, matching his elegant features but Hisoka still wasn't put at ease. What if this man had...touched him? "Are you hungry?"

The redhead ignored the question and brought his knees up to his chest, looking at the man with scepticism. "Who are you and why am I here?"

He raised a brow at Hisoka's question but set to answer nevertheless to ease his mind. "My name is Chrollo Lucilfer and I signed a contract with your boss that puts you under my care. I'm surprised that he didn't inform of such a crucial matter."

So, this was Chrollo Lucilfer. The man whom his boss had talked so highly about looked much younger than Hisoka could have imagined. Maybe even younger than he was, which was something that he most definitely wasn't used to.

"No, he spoke of you. I just wasn't expecting you to look so...well, young."

Lucifer smiled and Hisoka caught himself blushing at the charming quirk of his lips. "Don't worry, I was made aware that you're used to much more mature clientele but you don't have to worry about that anymore."

Hisoka nodded slowly but something was still troubling him and that missing bit of information was something that he needed to obtain. "Is there a reason why I can't remember anything from last night?"

Chrollo seemed to tense but it was only slightly and Hisoka was heavily oblivious to the tic in his jaw. "Well, you did have several drinks with a few gentlemen at the club and when I came to pick you up, you weren't in the best shape. One of them might have slipped something into your drink?"

The explanation was plausible but the redhead couldn't help feeling wary about the whole thing. Not once has he ever heard of a single one of his colleagues being drugged within the club. But he supposed there was a first for everything.

"Now, why don't we go have some breakfast together?"

Hisoka got out of bed and walked towards Chrollo in the doorway before stopping in his tracks. He'd been so busy asking questions that he had forgotten to act accordingly, something that always got him into trouble with clients. A hand falling at the nape of his neck only made him tense further but the touch was soothing and Hisoka relaxed against it. 

His head was tilted up and he found himself eye to eye with Chrollo. "There's no need to worry about formalities, pup. They'll all follow once we've sorted out the details of our contract together. Now, let's go, okay, doll?"

Lucilfer was correct, of course but Hisoka had been trained to show respect even to those who were outside of the club's walls. But if it was what the man wanted, he would obey nevertheless. "Yes, Sir."

The dark-haired male smiled and removed his hand, turning around to leave with his new pet following close behind him. Hisoka had been nothing short of tempting the night he had seen him at the club and it was undeniable that he wanted him. And Chrollo always got what he wanted, no matter the cost.

No one in his troupe was even aware that he even led this type of lifestyle or that he had even brought Hisoka into his home for that matter. It was possibly the only thing he would even think about keeping as a secret from his spiders but Chrollo just wanted the redhead to solely be in his care and nobody else's.

When they reached the kitchen, Lucilfer silently pushed his selfish thoughts aside and made Hisoka something to eat as he obediently sat in a chair. Chrollo couldn't help but steal a glance at him while walking around the kitchen. The redhead had pretty features and he couldn't help admiring the way he looked, realising that the price he paid was worth it.

Hisoka could feel Chrollo's gaze and it made him a lot more uncomfortable than he would have liked but he could do nothing more but ignore it. This man practically owned him now and there wasn't much that the redhead could possibly do protest against his actions.

A plate of food was placed in front of him and Hisoka snapped out of his thoughts and thanked the man. He was about to eat but a hand grabbing his chin and tilting his face upwards made him freeze.

"I want you to listen very closely to me," Chrollo said cooly, "I have work to take care of and I'm leaving you alone in the house. But do not, under any circumstances, go through any of my things. Do I make myself clear?"

Lucifer's grip was hard and dominating and Hisoka found himself nodding to the words before he had the chance to process them. "Yes, Sir."

"Good." It was silent as Chrollo let his thumb trace over his bottom lip before teasing at the red earring hanging from Hisoka's earlobe. "You're such a pretty little thing, aren't you, doll?"

Hisoka could feel himself blush at the compliment and turned his gaze to the table which made the dark-haired male chuckle under his breath. The redhead had gotten his fair share of compliments over the years but none had ever made him feel quite this way before.

"Well, I better get going. I'll be back by 6."

With those words, Hisoka found himself left alone inside of the large penthouse and left the food on the table, deciding to wander around instead. After realising that he might have been drugged last night, Hisoka thought it best for him to be wary of anything he ate–especially since he didn't particularly trust the man he was with.

He let his golden eyes glance around the expanse of Chrollo's home and he realised that he must make a lot of money considering the elegance every item he glanced at had. The view outside of the large window in the lounge looked over the city of York New and it's bustling and Hisoka couldn't help but wonder what it might look like at night.

Hisoka continued to walk around and went to the room that he woke up in. It was nicely furnished with a small couch at the foot of the bed and the bed appeared a lot bigger from the doorway. He had his own bathroom too, so he figured that there would be no need for him to share one with Chrollo.

The redhead walked back out and saw a room directly across from his and looked at it curiously. The urge to open the door was biting at him but Lucifer's words were clear in his mind and he had no use of being disobedient. Hisoka ignored the door and went back to his room, sitting on the bed with his legs crossed.

This life wasn't something that Hisoka would ever say he was proud of. He was "born into it" as one would say but Hisoka didn't like to think that anyone was destined to sell themselves to strangers for a living. Yet, he supposed that being here was better since most of his regulars were twice his age.

Being here was its own challenge since he could barely trust Chrollo but hopefully with time he would.


Hopefully, these chapters will get longer as time goes on.

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