Narukami Tales

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»Have you heard? It was sighted again!«

»What is everyone talking about?« Paimon, the little fairy-like creature and dearest friend of the traveler pricked up her ears and listened to the citizens talking while eating dango.

»We heard this quite a lot recently...«, replied the traveler and took a bite from his rice balls.
Paimon forced him to buy her something to eat and since he was about to do so, he took his chance to
please himself.

»Right?«, she mumbled with her
mouth full.

They have been in the land of eternity for two months now and so far, they have not made much progress. Aside from making it out of Ritou* with Thoma's help and meeting his mistress, the Shirasagi Himegimi*, they were unable to make contact with the Almighty Shogun* nor even see her.

It is, as if she was forcing her concept of eternity on them and turning every hint they found into nothing but a fleeting dream.

»What is going on with this huge crowd over there?«, asked Paimon and pointed in the direction of the market.

People seemed to gather around someone, who stood on top of a wooden bank and waved his arms wildly. »Aether come, let's take a look!«

»I saw it – the legends are true!«, he shouted hysterically.

»No way...« and »Unbelievable!« was heard from the crowd. Aether pushed his way through the masses and asked curiously: »What legend are you talking about?«

A murmur escaped the crowd and they backed away from the traveler. Paimon hovered at his side and eyed him in bewilderment.

The man looked at him with wide eyes and gasped dramatically. »You haven't heard? The Legend of the Phoenix of Araumi?«

»Should we?«

»Of course you should!«, shouted a woman of the crowd.

Paimon flew near the travelers' ear and whispered: »Maybe we should ask him to tell us this legend?«

Aether nodded, cleared his throat and looked the man directly into his eyes.
»Would you be so kind to tell us the story?«

The man was still in disbelief but nevertheless quickly got a hang of himself.

He opened his arms and gazed at the sun that brightened the Sakura trees around him. They were the trademark of Inazuma and reflected it's elegance in every way possible.

»So be it. Listen closely: Twelve years ago, when the golden rays of the sun struck the ruined archway of Araumi, flames rose from the hallowed ground of the land and formed into a creature resembling a bird.
The Sakura blossoms of the trees around it began to burn and their ashes swirled in the rising wind of purification.
Its scream resembled that of thunder and the fire faded into golden light.
It is said that in the midst of these raging flames a figure danced and gave its life energy to the bird.
When the sun turned white, the flames dissolved, leaving nothing but burning Sakura petals behind.«

The citizens around him applauded cheerful.

Aether and Paimon quickly exchanged looks and she then asked:
»Has anyone ever seen this event or are is it really just a legend?«

»Quite a few actually and we all agree in one term – it is indescribably beautiful. Like a fond dream that is over in the blink of an eye...«, he replied dreamily.

»I agree with him. I never saw something as elegant and beautiful...«
»Yes, but it somehow seemed like the shadow was in sorrow...«
People's voices mingled and everyone shared their impression of the spectacle.

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