Chapter Three: Your Love Is So Damn Sweet, I Can't Stop Taking It

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Kwite decided to go to back home and visit Frights the next day. As much as he would've loved to stay, his prosthetics needed to be taken care of if he was going to be visiting Springtrap constantly like planned.

So he drove back home with his stuff, and a fire of determination lit up in him. He needed to explore the place, so he would find Springtrap next time. And instead of looking in each others eyes for an absurdly long time, they would actually have a conversation.

Maybe he could ask if Springtrap was single?

After planning and making a video or two he decided he needed a rest. Would be a shame to be too tired to go visit right? So he did what humans naturally do when they go to sleep.

Laid on the floor like he was dead if course!

After a few attempts of his cat trying to eat him he eventually actually fell asleep.

For twelve hours like normal people do.

(What? You think he actually has a life? In this story? In this economy? Pfffftt your pulling my dick. No one has a life here.)

When he woke up with Smoke trying very hard to take a bite out of his arm, he realized it was the same time he went to Fazbear Frights since the drive was long. Kwite knowing he had nothing important to do put back on his prosthetics and started back at Fazbear's.

When he got there, he dropped off his bag in the Office and began looking around the actual attraction. Now that he was really using those eyes of his, he realized the weird green titles, actual mold growing on the walls and even the smell of rotten flesh, like a body as left out for over ten years.

(Don't ask how he, or I, knows it was over ten years.)

Kwite was surprised he didn't notice all of it before, he recognized the weird atmosphere, AND the weird head, but he must have glanced over the place as a whole.

Well, at least the small dingy hall.

So, like promised, he began wandering around the place, looking at all the Pumpkins (Woahh I thought I was on a Anon account!) and presents. Including another weird stand but with a fox head this time.

The place was very dimly lit so he didn't notice a lot. He could barely see in brightly lit places, why would you think he could see when it was dark? (Yes, I am being salty about those passes. I don't have amazing sight either, but DUDE.)

After exploring for a bit, he bumped into something.


Kwite actually turning on his eyes for the second time that day saw a very tall and slim figure. And by slim, he means slim, how could it even work? It was fairly creepy though.

I mean, anything would be a bit creepy if you saw it staring into your eyes like it knows everything you ever did in your life. Except Springtrap huh?

But, why the fuck was it here? Why did it come to Kwite? But as soon as he blinked, it was gone. Seemingly like it never existed, leaving not even a speck of dust out of place.

Part of him never wanted to see that thing again.

He would never admit it, but that has to be one of the creepiest things he went through this year. Kwite, now fairly creeped out, walked back from where he came.

A big part of him thought it may have saved his life.

Not wanting to think about that any further, he immediately began going quicker on his search for Springtrap.

Eventually, he very somberly made his way back to the Office. He couldn't find the rabbit anywhere! In his disappointment, he very sadly ate a Kit-Kat, and didn't snap it.

Yes, he became a monster simply out of love. The travesty Kwite is.

After finishing it, he heard various clanking sounds from the vents next to him, and they only got louder as the seconds passed. Kwite forgetting the mechanics in his dopey love world panicked.

He did remember there was a vent cam and quickly checked it. And- oh my fucking God, what the actual fuck.

Springtrap, was in the vents, and crawling his way to the office. Like a damn psycho.

Kwite didn't really know what to do with any of this so he just silently sat by as Springtrap crawled his way through and out of the vent.

Why did he come that way? Did he see the figure too? Was he just being weird?

Kwite knew he would not have a answer for at least one of these questions, but he still had them. "Damn man, you scared me shitless! Why are you going through the vents?"

Springtrap didn't answer for a moment, gazing at Kwite like he didn't expect him to be there. "Why.. are you still here?" Oh. He didn't. Why did he think he would leave permanently? What reason would that be for? (To go home maybe? Have a life? Lmao I can't talk ima lose mine.)

"When I tell you this is the most interesting and important part of my day, I mean it. I literally have nothing else to do." Now that Kwite had said it out loud, he realized that sounded really sad and pathetic. But what is his life if not that?

(Wow I feel like I'm just insulting him this whole story. I'm not gonna stop, but I'll tone it down for the next chapter. But for the rest of the story it's free game.)

Springtrap tilted his head curiously at him, like Kwite was a phenomenon he just didn't know how to identify. It made the hooded man even more nervous than he should be just from a look. But love does that to ya.

Kwite's mind raced for a topic to start on, something so he knew the robot would stay. After a few seconds he decided asking a more.. personal question would at least move them on to a convo, even if it was as short as Kwite who is like 3'4, counting the prosthetics. Dang midget.

(I said nice NEXT chapter. Not this one.)

Anyway, he asked the very personal question, "So, uh, if you don't mind me asking. What's with all the... Blood and Guts? Thing..? Not necessarily a problem, but it's kinda hard not to ask when I can see a heart rotting, y'know?"

Springtrap tensed a bit from the question, if a robot could become tense. He looked like he didn't want to answer it, and quite bothered by something. So Kwite, the smart man he is, DIDN'T backtrack and stood there like a dumbass that doesn't know what's a sensitive topic or not.

The bunny seemingly to come up with an answer he was satisfied with simply said, "Long story. One I don't remember. But they do. Ask them, you'll get an answer." He strolled out of the room afterwards, and Kwite didn't know what the guy could be doing that was so important he needed to leave all the time.

But he was satisfied with the robot having a longer answer this time instead of just one word. But he was confused who was that 'they' and 'them' Springtrap mentioned.

Then he remembered, that slim ass thing he saw in the weird room. Kwite didn't want to go back there for anything. But for Springtrap? He would make an exception. The things you do for love..

Kwite, having a fire of determination light up in him, started off back to the room. Springtrap said he didn't remember, maybe he could tell him! Or not. Either way, he would be learning much more about this new robot he has already gone to love.

And maybe, just maybe, if he was lucky enough, that same robot could love him back. And he knew once that happens, he wouldn't stop coming for more

With a new goal in mind, Kwite wasn't as scared to go to the room as he was before.

He was going to learn more about Springtrap.

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