Chapter Nine: Time passes, and I still think about you.

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It has been.. a year since Kwite went to Fazbear's Frights, since Afton pressed the detonator.

He still hasn't forgotten the place, he still hasn't forgotten Springtrap. But he has never gone back.

It was too painful, more literal than figurative.

Whenever he thought of leaving, going back, his mind ached. An unbearable pain piercing his being.

He tried once.

He tried to force himself to go back, to see the aftermath of everything.

The more steps he took, the more pain it caused him..

The more he moved forward, the more he couldn't see..

The more he went on, all the more dizzy he got..

He didn't make it half way before he blacked out.

He was being forced to stay in his house. He could go out, but it felt like he was being watched like a dog. As if an owner was looking after their pet properly.

He hated it.

He was being held back by a leash and he hated it.

Why wouldn't they let him go?

Why couldn't he go back?

Who was holding him in the first place?

These were questions he knew would never get answered.

The simple answer to 'Why?' was to much for them to give him.

Well, maybe it wasn't so complicated.

It has been a year since Kwite went to Fazbear's Frights.

No one visited him ever. Damn loner. The delivery drivers never knocked, the mailmen never knocked, not even he could knock on the damn door. (He tried for a bit ok)

No one has knocked on that door for a whole goddamn year.

Until today.

At 11:17pm, someone finally knocked on the door.

He had no visitors coming over, because he had no friends. He had no family, and last he checked Smoke was next to him. He ordered nothing, bought nothing that would come this week. Not a single thing.

No one could knock on that door, not even him.

So who the hell was this


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But, no.


It couldn't be.

Could it?

It had to be his mind playing a trick on him.

There was no fucking way this was true.

It was to good to be true.

No way life would give Kwite something this good.

Would it?

The door was wide open, and there stood the bane of Kwite's existence.

The main reason he wanted to go back.

That leash he felt was gone, and now all he felt was the familiar pull that brought him to all of this.


A Kwitetrap Story: Now, Isn't this.. INTERESTING?Where stories live. Discover now