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Chapter 180: MeiFu (Younger Sister's Husband)

The movements in Ming Qi were unable to be hidden from the rest of the world.

One did not know how it gradually began to spread in the marketplace that HuangFu Hao died in the hands of the Crown Prince. Emperor Wen Hui had the thought to place HuangFu Hao's guards under house arrest but now things had become out of control and if it was not managed, one feared that it would become chaotic.

But how would the people in the residence of Prince Qin be able to sit and wait? News was sent back to the ears of the Qin Emperor and after some short few days, there was someone who rush over to send over a message, wanting Emperor Wen Hui to give an explanation else troops would be sent to level Ming Qi.

If it was the previous Qin country, Ming Qi naturally would be able to compete with them but now with unclear ambitions of Great Liang who was lurking at the side with tiger's eyes, with the Qin country's attack, Ming Qi would considered to be finished this time.

Under the conviction of evidence, Emperor Wen Hui had no choice but to send the Crown Prince to prison. Even though he specifically instructed other to take good care of the Crown Prince, at the end it was a move to abandon the chariot to protect the marshal (chess moves).

The older Emperor Wen Hui had gotten the unwavering and firm personality that he had when young were finally wiped off. Not to mention how the other sons would think, even officials would feel chilling when seeing it. In order to protect oneself, even though he obviously knew that there were suspicious circumstances with the Crown Prince killing HuangFu Hao, he still send the Crown Prince to prison.

In fact Emperor Wen Hui was not to be blamed. The reason to why he placed the Crown Prince in prison, other than to show the Emperor of Qin his attitude was to temporarily calm the Qin Emperor's anger and to ensure the safety of the Crown Prince. HuangFu Hao's guards were eying him like tigers and had all the intentions to take revenge for HuangFu Hao thus it was highly possible that the Crown Prince would be killed by one of the guards if he was careless on any day. Now that the Crown Prince had become a prisoner and there were so many people guarding in the prison, such things would not happen.

Unfortunately Emperor Wen Hui's thoughts were not understood and because of this move of his, even the Empress could not sit still.

The Empress stepped into Yang Xin Dian and angrily asked, "Your Majesty knew clearly that the Crown Prince was unjustly accused by others, so why is he being locked up? Did Your Majesty thought of how would the officials look at him in the future?"

Emperor Wen Hui frowned as he did not like the feeling of being questioned by others, "Zhen have one's viewpoint."

Emperor Wen Hui still had some affection for the Empress as the Empress was his official wife and when the Late Emperor was alive, the battle of the heir apparent was as fierce as today and if it wasn't the maiden family of the Empress that was supporting, Emperor Wen Hui would not have necessarily be in this position today. Now the power of maiden family of the Empress was deliberately returned to the Emperor, there would not be any possibility of the dictatorship of a family in the court. Thus Emperor Wen Hui was willing to give more affection to the Empress and moreover the Empress is the birth mother of the Crown Prince.

Privately the Empress was indeed not a bad Empress. She did not get jealous and also managed the Inner Palace rather well.

"ChenQie beseech Your Majesty to revoke the order." The Empress said, "The Crown Prince would need to face the court officials in the future thus Your Majesty's action would only let the commoners under the sky misunderstand." If it was previously, the Empress would have not refuted Emperor Wen Hui's decision but as a mother, one would always be more sensitive with matters of one's son. The Empress was not willing to have any mistakes in the Crown Prince's future, not even a drop of dirty water could stain him.

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