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"How much time till we reach the top? We have already been climbing for about 20 days now."

"Maybe It will take one more day before we reach the top. Hey, look there's a village, let's ask them if they would let us stay the night."

"Yeah... Let me ask them. It would be easy to get them to agree if I am the one who's doing the asking."

I can't believe it’s already been 20 days since we started the journey. It would take more than half a month to reach the top for an ordinary human but since we both are not humans our physical strength is somewhat superior and we made it this far in just 20 days.

Good thing I took necessary stuff like ropes and food before leaving and had knowledge about edible plants or else we would have been doomed from the start. I was lucky to not get caught in the village.

"Keil, how many days did it take for you last time?"

"Well, I flew to the top for the most part so it took way less time."

"Oh, I see, sorry that I kept reminding you about your wings."

"Don't worry it doesn't bother me anymore."

Honestly, I still miss my wings, I miss flying all the time. That's the thing I never used to get tired of. Maybe it's just the bad luck that I was born with.

"Hey Kiel, I got their okay. I can stay in their home for today."

"At Least you are of some use now, Ciel. Might be my influence."

"Stop teasing me, I'm much better than you when it comes to conversation."

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

During our time together I got to know a few things about her and the world above the clouds.

Apparently she's actually the princess of thee kingdom called Skyhold. Well she's the youngest child of the king so it's very unlikely that she will succeed the throne. The kingdom they she lives in is actually situated on one of the floating islands.

Not only all that, I got to know a lot about her personality. How she doesn't like sour things and even though she never saw a bug before she immediately got afraid after seeing one. She's moody but can be sweet sometimes too. I can't help but wish to spend more time with her but unfortunately this journey of ours is now going to come to come to an end tomorrow.

"You are?"

"Sorry, I am Keil, thanks for letting us stay in your house for today."

"No problem, to us serving guests is like a blessing to us."

"But I never knew there were some humans living on there she is a human still she don't know about it?"

"Actually, she is an angel."

"An angel? What an angel and a demon are doing together? This is something odd."

"Well stuff happens." I replied with a smile. After a little pause, I asked again.

"What is this great partition?"

"We are not surprised that you both don't know after all both the angels and the demons tried to hide it from their future generation."

"Can you tell us about it?"

"Okay then listen, you know about the war, right? The one which happened ages ago between the demons and angels. Both the sides were at each other's throats all the time. And between all this we humans were crushed from both sides. In the end, we prayed day and nights to the Gods to stop this war, which god did but in the way partitioned the world into three. The demon continent where demons live, the sky with floating island where angels live and the land of living where we humans live.”

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