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This story is dedicated to the artist JCK22 for their wonderful, inspiring pictures.

@JasminCK3 on Twitter / JCK22 on Instagram / jceekay on Tumblr

Gavin stared, wondering what the fuck he was. By that, he didn't exactly mean what. He knew damn fucking well what he was. Another fucking android in the workplace. What he meant was, what the fuck was he supposed to be? A spider hybrid? A snake? The demon of his nightmares? Unlike pretty-boy-perfect Connor, this fucker had sharp cheekbones and a jaw of steel. He looked mean. It would have been hot, if not for the six fucking eyes. Weird ones, too.

They were a piercing blue. Really pale and luminous, and where normal eyes were white, these were black. They were like gaping black holes with glowing blue rings floating in them. They were so sharp they were almost snakelike. Two were set like normal human eyes, then above that were two slightly smaller ones, and just below his hairline were two more that were even smaller. The creepiest thing was when they all moved independently of each other, focusing on different parts of the room. Gavin jerked in his seat as all six set upon him at once, as if drawn by his thoughts. It sent a chill down his spine.

"The phck are you staring at, Spider-bot?" All six eyes thinned at his curt tone. They weren't exactly getting off to the best start. They'd only been partnered that morning. Barely three hours ago. Gavin couldn't help it. He was an asshole by default, and this Nines guy was creepy as fuck. Nines regarded him with cool eyes, all six unblinking. Gavin swallowed nervously, unable to look away. He was so fucking still, like a cobra about to strike.

"I could say the same about you, Detective." Nines' voice was deep. An almost purring baritone. It made Gavin flinch and somehow melt at the same time. It was as he spoke that Gavin got his first look at his teeth. His canines were unnaturally sharp, making him think he should add vampire to the list of possibilities. Nines returned to work, typing and reviewing a file at the same time. Gavin got to his feet cautiously, noting that two of Nines' eyes, the smallest ones, flicked to watch him with guarded curiosity. His dirty green eyes thinned as he stepped across to Nines' desk, noting that all six eyes had moved to stare at him now.

Gavin was almost mesmerised as he edged even closer, leaning down for a better look. Nines had tolerated him so far. He hadn't growled, or hissed, or shoved him away. He seemed almost as curious as Gavin. His mouth opened, and he took in a slow breath, almost like he was tasting the air. Gavin was still staring into his eyes. They almost glowed. He didn't even think about it as he reached out. Nines watched the hand getting nearer to his face, blinking his eyes one set at a time. Gavin blinked back. It was like a fucking staircase. He couldn't resist the temptation to reach out and touch one, just a gentle flick.

That was all it took for Nines to spring into action like a cobra striking. One hand fisted in Gavin's top and yanked him down as his jaw unhinged. His jaw fucking unhinged! Gavin couldn't do more than gasp, his chest frozen as he caught sight of the rows of sharp teeth sailing up towards his neck. He couldn't even scream. His chest was constricted in terror. Nines' jaw partially closed, two of his sharp teeth cutting into the skin of his cheekbone, while the lower teeth brushed his neckline. Gavin panted, trying not to panic as the strangest sensation crept along his chin.

He caught sight of something pink and fleshy, flicking up to caress his other cheek. It was wet. I-is that his phcking tongue? It couldn't be! It didn't look or feel anything like a tongue, besides it being wet. There was a rough texture to it as it flicked along his throat. There were smaller tendrils that stroked and teased his chin, exploring his rough stubble. The long, wet muscle caressed his chin and neck like a tentacle. Gavin felt something coil in the pit of his stomach at the sensation. Oh, my phcking God! This was the most close, physical contact he'd had with anyone in months. He shivered as Nines reached up to caress the cheek he wasn't biting. Gavin trembled as he felt some of the small, flicking tongue tendrils soothing the small cuts almost apologetically.

"That hurt." The voice hadn't come from Nines' mouth in the usual manner, since that was busy biting into his fucking face. It had played directly from his voice box like a recording through a speaker. Gavin blinked as Nines slowly extracted the tips of his fangs. He couldn't help watching as he drew back, still with that gentle hand on his cheek. Nines' jaw re-hinged, and that long, flicking tongue slowly retracted back and disappeared completely. His flesh knitted back together, and it was like nothing had ever happened. Gavin couldn't help the pounding in his chest as Nines' hand stayed on his fucking cheek, thumb stroking his stubble almost intimately.

"S-sorry..." The word just fell out. His brain wouldn't fucking work. He couldn't help thinking that was the most erotic thing that had happened to him in months. Phck, that thing had to be more than a foot long! Nines' eyes were almost amused as he drew back and wiped the smears of red from his lips. Fuck, he'd just tasted his fucking blood! He couldn't help wondering what he'd learned from it.

"I believe we're even...and you may want to...excuse yourself for a moment..." There was something smug in Nines' gaze as he returned to work. Gavin didn't realise what he was talking about until he noticed the two middle eyes were staring intently at his crotch. He gasped as he lowered his hand to cover the bulge. He didn't even say anything before hightailing it out of there and rushing into the bathroom with a heaving chest. What the phck was that? He leaned on the sink and ran a hand through his hair. There was no fucking way he had a fucking boner over that fucking android and his fucking pretty eyes and his foot long fucking tentacle tongue. No phcking way!

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