"Alright, we're here," Gavin exclaimed as he stopped the car. Nines looked around curiously as Gavin turned off the headlights and dug around in his paper bag. He'd driven right out of town and up a mountainous slope. Nines tilted his head, wondering why Gavin had driven them to such a place. He'd thought perhaps they would visit Elijah since they were on the slopes that led to his house, but Gavin didn't get on with his brother. "This is my favourite place." Nines frowned. He hated his brother, and yet his favourite place was the hillside beneath his home? Curious...
"Why?" Curiosity got the better of him. He'd finally relaxed enough during the drive to re-seal his jaws. The saline had retreated from his eyes as well, though a lingering sadness remained. He'd tried so hard to get things right for Gavin. Did this failure mean he was unsuited to human relationships? He very much wanted to have relations with Gavin. Gavin unpacked his steak dinner. It had been carefully placed inside a plastic box with a plastic knife and fork.
"The view...You can see all Detroit from here, and if you look up, the stars are pretty clear, too..." He nodded towards the front window as he spoke and Nines followed his gaze. He was correct. There was a luminous beauty to the city from the hillside. He'd parked in a spot just off the main road, down a short forest path in a small clearing. The little nook almost looked like it was manmade. There were trees on either side, but a singular patch was empty where Gavin had parked his car. Knowing Elijah, it may well have been by design. If he knew Gavin liked the view, it was no surprise that a space had been made for him to enjoy it.
"I see..." Nines was hesitant as he watched him eat. He seemed perfectly content as he shovelled steak and broccoli into his mouth. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to ruin our evening together." Gavin paused as if he had no idea what he was talking about. Nines gave him an almost withering look. They'd both been present for the incident. They couldn't pretend it hadn't happened. He'd embarrassed them both with his inability to cope in crowded spaces.
"Who says it's ruined?"
"I was supposed to take you to dinner! I planned it all out, and-" Nines was clearly agitated again as he broke off. He sighed in frustration as he felt the skin of his jaws itching to trickle back. The urge to bite was growing, making him close his eyes and grind his teeth in frustration. He was a failure. He opened his eyes as he felt Gavin's hand on his arm.
"Hey, you took me to dinner, see? I have food, and it's good food! I'm eating, and we're together." His green eyes were soft and earnest as he held up his box and point to the view outside. Nines softened a little. It was kind of him to make him feel better, but they both knew this wasn't what was supposed to happen on a date. They were supposed to spend a romantic evening in a restaurant and perhaps do some window shopping. Things that normal couples do.
"It's not the same."
"It doesn't have to be!" Gavin was very firm as he shuffled in his seat until he could mostly face Nines. "I know you tried really hard to plan this, but Nines...we're not normal people. Dates are supposed to be catered to the couple involved. We don't have to do what other people do...Both of us are supposed to enjoy our dates, and I know you hate crowded places. That's fine! I don't need to visit fancy restaurants, or sit in a crowded movie theatre, or cram into a mall to go shopping, or even visit a theme park! I'm just as happy getting takeout and driving up a hillside in the middle of nowhere to be with you." That was sweet of him to say, but Nines couldn't help feeling that he was depriving him of a valuable human experience. All six eyes blinked as Gavin's hand reached out to rest on his cheek. Nines shuddered at the gentle contact. He could pick out each callous on his worn fingers. "I mean it."
"But you shouldn't have to give up these normal social encounters simply because I'm unable to cope." He desperately wanted to give him the normal human social interactions that he deserved. He shouldn't be deprived of things he enjoyed simply because his intimate partner could not handle it.

FanfictionGavin can't take his eyes off him. What is he? Why does he look like a freak? What did they even base his design on? Why does he have so many eyes? Gavin is mesmerised by Nines, and needs a lesson in personal boundaries.