Nines watched as Gavin squirmed in his seat. He seemed agitated. He couldn't seem to sit comfortably for more than a few seconds. Nines had already brought him a coffee, having thought it was the lack of caffeine that was bothering him. He'd thanked him with that usual soft look. The one he reserved for him alone. Nines had nodded and returned to his seat. He didn't smile, but Gavin knew how to read the softness in his eyes. He also knew how to read worry. Gavin was giving him that little shake of his head. The one that told him he was fine. Nines did not believe that he was fine.
He watched as he squirmed again. The little winces almost suggested he was in pain. His brow pinched as he bit his lip, and the smallest sound caught in his throat. He took a slow breath, gripping the edge of the desk as he tried to get comfortable. That wasn't right. Gavin almost seemed to feel his gaze. He stiffened as he leaned further over his report and continued typing. He was avoiding him! If Gavin wouldn't openly tell him what was wrong, then he had little choice but to take matters into his own hands. Nines' LED blinked yellow as he started up a scan to assess his physical health.
He could confirm quickly that he wasn't ill. His body temperature was at its usual level, though perhaps a little warmer than on a normal winter's day. His silvery gaze sharpened as he noted the vague flush that coloured his neck. He knew he was scanning him, and he was embarrassed. Why was he embarrassed? More to the point, why hadn't he told him to stop? He usually scolded him for scanning him. Either he wanted to be scanned, or he was wary of drawing attention to himself. Perhaps a combination of both...His pupils were dilated. That wasn't unusual when they were together, but coupled with the flush of his skin and his raised temperature, it gave him an idea.
He scanned further. Gavin's heart rate was slightly elevated. He seemed nervous as he continued to type, painfully aware of the sharp eyes upon him. Nines' top eyes widened slightly as he noted his high level of arousal. Scanning more intently, he bypassed his clothes and flesh to find the cause. Nines' LED span red as he saw it. That only seemed to increase Gavin's arousal as their eyes met. His green eyes dropped, almost as if he'd been told off. Nines felt pleasure and satisfaction coil in the pit of his stomach as he stared across at his lover. What he had done to deserve such a gift, he was unsure.
"Gavin, I require your assistance." He had no idea how he'd kept it hidden for so long. They'd been at work for three hours, and it was only within the last thirty minutes that his physical ticks had appeared. He'd clearly been working hard to resist the rising tide. Gavin glanced up warily at his words, swallowing as he squirmed in his seat like a chastised child. Nines almost smirked. Now that he knew the issue, he knew exactly what those little movements were doing to him. He also knew he was reaching his limit, and it was rapidly becoming impractical and uncomfortable. It was foolish for him to do such a thing on a workday.
"Right now?" His voice was higher than usual, almost quivering as he pushed out the question. I see...He didn't believe he'd be able to move. The thought of dealing with the issue right then and there was appealing, but impractical with so many others present. Hank and Connor were just across the walkway. Tina and Miller were mingling at the edge of the break room. Collins was across the room at the copier. Pearson and Jackson were currently at their desks. Priceless as their expressions would be, they would absolutely be fired if Nines had his way in the middle of the bullpen.
"Right now." Nines' tone left no room for arguments. His LED span yellow as he watched Gavin take a breath before rolling his chair out. He pushed to his feet and clenched his teeth, breath catching as his abs tightened. Nines could almost see the wave of pleasure swirling in his stomach at the change in position. "There are some documents we need from the archives." He could almost hear the moan as it stuck in Gavin's throat. The archive room was down in the basement. They would need to take the elevator to get there. The elevator that Nines could hack into in order to freeze the camera footage and give them privacy. He waved for Gavin to walk ahead as usual.

FanfictionGavin can't take his eyes off him. What is he? Why does he look like a freak? What did they even base his design on? Why does he have so many eyes? Gavin is mesmerised by Nines, and needs a lesson in personal boundaries.