This is a continuation of Pink (AO3 exclusive due to E-rated content). You don't need it, but it gives a little context.
"How are you feeling?" Nines asked as he noticed Gavin stirring He'd kept a constant vigil overnight, ready for any further unfortunate side-effects. They'd been lucky. The shot from Doctor Brown and plenty of water had been enough to settle his stomach for the whole evening. He'd slept through most of it, exhausted from the night before. Concerned for Gavin's wellbeing, Nines had opted to book an extra day off. They also had the option of remaining in the hotel for an extra evening. That was partly the reason for his question. Gavin whined softly as he rolled over and buried his face in the pillow. "Still sick?"
"No...just phcking tired..." Well, that was something. They didn't have to do anything that day, so Nines was content to let Gavin rest as he wandered around the room tidying things. Not that there was much to tidy. He stacked the plate and bowl from last night's dinner on the table for collection and neatened the bottom of the thick duvet, but there really wasn't anything else to be done. Gavin's clothes were already neatly folded away because he'd remained naked since their coupling. Nines' jacket was hung alongside Gavin's by the door and their shoes had been placed on the shoe stand. "Phck, sit down and stop fussing!"
Nines huffed fondly as he did as asked, climbing up beside Gavin's languishing form and stretching his legs out. Technically, it was lounging rather than sitting, but Gavin didn't seem to care as he shuffled closer. His body seemed to relax once his hip was resting against his thigh. Nines examined him closely as he rested a hand on his head and stroked his scruffy hair. He wasn't running a temperature. That was a good sign. His skin had also returned to its usual healthy colour, no longer pale and sickly. The rhythm of his internal organs had also returned to normal, no longer stressed and overheating. His blood was no longer rushing where his heart had returned to its usual steady one-two beat. Green eyes blinked open with an almost suspicious air.
"Are you phcking analysing me?" Nines knew he hated being analysed. He also knew that he already knew the answer. Gavin clicked his tongue indignantly as he nudged his shin with his foot. "Don't be a nanny-bot," he chided as he buried his face in the pillow. Nines' lips softened into a small smile as he noted the rising heat across the back of Gavin's neck. He hesitated a moment. They had shared a deep intimacy two nights ago. Did that mean he was free to express his affection however he pleased? All six eyes blinked as he contemplated. If Gavin didn't like it, he would surely let him know. With that decided, Nines leaned down to rest his lips against Gavin's bare shoulder blade, pressing a single kiss into the giving flesh.
Nines watched carefully for a reaction and noticed Gavin stiffen beneath his lips before he seemed to let out a slow breath. That certainly didn't seem negative, but he wasn't entirely sure it was positive either. Heat lingered across Gavin's neck as he turned his face away, but he also shuffled closer. Was that a request? An invitation? Permission? Nines settled himself a little more comfortably, propping himself up on one arm while running his free hand up and down Gavin's bare waist. Little prickles ran across his skin, making the hair on his arms stand up. Nines continued to enjoy the texture of Gavin's broken skin against his fingertips. He traced the little scars he found, only pulling back as Gavin turned on his side to look up at him.
"Hey, about...about the other night...I-um..." Gavin's gaze dropped to Nines' chest uncertainly. Nines felt his thirium pump stutter anxiously. He needed to be careful this time. He needed to be clear. It had been their previous misunderstanding that had led to this ordeal. He waited patiently as Gavin sighed. "Thanks...I know this shit makes you uncomfortable, and you're not exactly into it, so-" Gavin's dirty green eyes widened as Nines clumsily mashed their lips together. His silvery eyes were uncertain as he drew back, the lower set lingering on Gavin's wet lips as the upper sets gazed into his shocked green eyes.

FanfictionGavin can't take his eyes off him. What is he? Why does he look like a freak? What did they even base his design on? Why does he have so many eyes? Gavin is mesmerised by Nines, and needs a lesson in personal boundaries.