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It was such a widely used word, like love, or shit.

Taylor was currently using the latter more then a sailor would on a rough night at sea.

"For shit's sake, Nate! I hate you, you little shit!" She screamed, panting and sweating like a crazed pig. Nate could only clutch her hand and try not to faint or laugh at the ridiculous words coming out of her mouth, and endure her words without complaint.

Sure, she was abusing him verbally, but she was about to push out a child, he could put up with her rage for a while longer.

His baby. His son. Nate started to smile uncontrollably just as Taylor glanced at him from the hospital bed. She looked insane, hair knotted and plastered to her forehead, face red and blotchy, a sheen of sweat covering every inch of skin that was visible.

"What hte fuck are you smiling at?" She hissed, eyes turning snake like. He tried to erase his grin, but he caught site of Oliver pacing outside of the doors and coldn't quite get rid of it fast enough.

"Just how beautiful my wife looks right now."

"Shit, here comes another one." Taylor said, the pain overriding his comment as another contraction hit her, and his fingers were squeezed so hard he thought she may have actually broken one.

"Oliver looks more worried then I am." Nate commented, and Taylor rolled her eyes as she settled back down.

"You're never worried, that's why."

"I'm just excited-"

"How are you feeling, Mrs. Presley?" The doctor interrupted Nate as he strolled into the room with his shiny stethoscope and pressed uniform. Nate had to bit the inside of his cheeks to stop the laughter escaping him when he saw the look Taylor was shooting the doctor.

"How do you think I'm feeling?" She said snappily, trying to get comfortable on the bed but not succeeding very well.

"Well I'll just send in the midwife and some of the nurses so we can get started and have another check to see how far you've dilated."

Nate nodded and thanked the doctor quickly before they were alone in the room once again, and Taylor moaned in pain. Nate felt a shot of guilt run through him as her face screwed up and she tensed, her head dropping back against the pillows.

"Hey baby, it'll be over soon. Then we'll have a cute little son to look after." Nate whispered, leaning over to kiss her on the forehead softly as Taylor grinned up at him briefly, emotion shining in her eyes.

"I love you, and I'm sorry for everything I've yelled at you the past few hours."

Nate laughed, clutching her hand again. "You've got a valid excuse. I love you too."

"Shits sake, I hate you Nate fucking Presley!" Taylor was screaming two hours later.


When the father of the child races out of the room to greet all the family pale faced, the most obvious thing to do was to jump to conclusions.

"Nate? What's wrong?"

"Has he been born yet?"

"Has something happened to Taylor?"

"Is something wrong with the baby?"

Nate breathed in a shaky breath, his face not gaining any colour as he croaked, "It's twins."

There was stunned silence around the room, and the first to speak was Kally, who was heavily pregnant herself.

"I'm an aunt to two babies?" Kally yelled, fist pumping the air. Nate shook his head in disbelief as his parents, Taylor's mum, Oliver and Kally all congratulated him and Taylor, until his father asked what the sex of the second baby was.

Nate paled again, and gulped. "It hasn't been born yet. Taylor wanted me to come and tell you all first."

"So get back in there!" Kally yelled, pushing him with as much force as a pregnant woman could.

"I-I might not come out if I do." Nate said, and they all laughed. "No seriously, she's already broken a finger." He held up his swollen pinky, and the room burst into more laughter.


"Can you please go wake Ben and Belinda up?" Taylor asked sleepily six months later as she rolled over in bed and sighed contently. "They have an appointment this morning."

Nate chuckled, his hands running over his wife's bare skin. It was safe to say that once she'd stopped punishing him for having to push out two children instead of one, the left over hormones had kicked in, and Nate hadn't been getting much sleep lately.

Not that he minded one damn bit.

"We could just stay here," he murmured, kissing her skin softly, "for another half an hour."

Taylor moaned, but rolled away and sat up. "No, we can't miss this appointment. And stop giving me that look, if we stay here we'll miss it for sure."

"Shower then?" Nate asked, and Taylor was already walking towards the bathroom.


In the years that followed, Nate and Taylor's life took them on a ride that they never got tired of. On the twins sixth birthday, Oliver accidentally popped the bouncy castle and had to deal with the whining kids for the rest of the night. Him and Kally had another two children after their first one, a girl called Charlie, was born. Ben grew up to be just like his father in the looks and attitude department, and Taylor and Kally could only look on in humour when Charlie caught Ben's eye in a more then friends way when they were sixteen and Charlie wouldn't give him the time of day.

Belinda grew up trying to avoid bringing boyfriends home in case Nate and Ben decided to have the 'talk' with him, because it normally ended in either tears or testosterone getting challenged. Nate and Taylor were still going strong after twenty four years of marriage, and Kally and Oliver had, well, just being Kally and Oliver.

And once a year, they celebrated not only birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, or New Year, Nate and Taylor celebrated the fateful day that Taylor decided to let go, discover Nate's bed sheets and fall head long into the love that would remain there for the rest of her life.


Aaaaaaand I'm aaaaaall done!! Thank you for everyone who took their time to read my story when there's a million others out there, I really love you all for it!

Thank you for the support that you all have given me to keep writing due to comments and votes, as well as the amount of reads I kept getting. I didn't think this story would get into the 200's, let alone almost 1000 reads! So thank you all for helping me get to here :)

Also, thank you to one of my best pals, Connie, who is CeeLee on Wattpad and kicked me into gear and gave me some inspiration from the wacky things she'd say or the abusive 'youbetterwritebiatch' talks, and who also introduced me to the wonderful world of Wattpad! You go girl ;) Her stories are amazing, so be sure to check em out!

Lastly, I want to apologize for any mistakes, spelling or grammatically incorrect or whatever, because sometimes editing was the furthest from my mind!

I hope you've all enjoyed because I know I have!!



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