staying with grandma

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"Allison Autumn you know better than to sneak out and get in the car by yourself!" Hugh scolded her! Barbara walked into the room with Maurice! "Allison trouble gamma?" Maurice asked! "Yes Maurice! Allison's in trouble!" Barbara said to him! "Allison bad!" Dwina pointed! "Now Dwina that's not nice to say about your sister!" Hugh said as he tapped her butt! "I think it's time for the kids to go down for their nap!" Barbara said putting Maurice in his crib! "Gamma no tired!" Maurice whined! "Want mama!" Barbara just smiled at him! "Mama isn't here right now! Mama's gonna be back soon!" Hugh told him with a smile! "Yeah mama will be back soon! But for now you're staying with grandma and grandpa!" Barbara said! "Want nap wif gampa!" Allison smiled! Hugh picked Allison up and gave her a kiss on her head! "WANT GAMPA TOO" Dwina yelled! Barbara put the girls on his chest and they all took a nap! "Help gamma!" Maurice said! "You wanna help me?" Barbara giggled! She picked him up and kissed his cheek! "No wonder you're mama's little man!" She giggled again! "Come on Maurice you and I can start dinner!" She said with a smile! "Gamma what dinner?" Maurice asked! "Hmmm... I don't know! What sounds good Maurice?" She asked! "Sghetti" Maurice giggled! "You want spaghetti?!" Barbara giggled! "Well then I guess we'll have spaghetti!" She said to him in a fake french accent! Maurice laughed! "Gamma funny!" Maurice laughed harder! After a half hour Hugh woke up the girls and got them washed up for dinner! "GAMMA!" Allison yelled as she hugged Barbara's leg! "Hi honey!" She said to her! Barbara bent down and gave her a big hug! "Allison can you be grandma's good girl and help grandpa set the table?" Allison shook her head no! "Well why not?" Barbara asked! "Too small! Can't reach gamma!" Allison giggled! "Oh I see! Well we'll have to do something about that!" Hugh said as he grabbed her from behind tickling her! "GAMPA NO TICKLE!" She laughed! All 3 of the kids started laughing! Dwina was laughing so hard she was crying! "Just like mama!" Hugh said! Barbara agreed! "She laughs so hard she cries!" Barbara giggled! After dinner Barbara gave the kids a bath and put them to bed!

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