taking off!

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Robin carried me up the stairs of the plane and we waved goodbye to everybody! Robin's parents came to see us off! And I noticed Linda came to see Barry off! I thought she'd be coming with us! "Barry isn't Linda coming with us?" I asked! "Doctor said she can't come!" Barry responded! "Awwwww how come? Linda makes everything more fun!" Maurice replied! "She's pregnant bro! She can't fly!" Barry replied back to him swatting the back of his head! "OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" Maurice screamed! "Knock off moo moo!" Allison screamed! Barry looked at her then pointed and laughed at Mo! "You got yelled at by a baby!" Barry laughed! "Baz bad!" Little Dwina said as she looked at him! Mama Dwina giggled! At this point she was as much their mom as I was! Dwina was always helping me with the kids! Whether it was playing with them to keep them busy while I cleaned the house or giving them a bath when they've finished eating! We took off as I was daydreaming about Linda and the baby and playing with my niece or nephew! Robin's kiss pulled me out of my daydream! "You okay?" He asked slightly concerned! "Yeah I'm fine! Just daydreaming!" I said laying my head on his shoulder before dozing off! Our first destination was Miami, FL! From England to FL was about 10 hours if I calculated correctly before I left! I slept on Robin's shoulder the whole entire flight and he kissed my head to wake me up! "Princess wake up we're here!" Robin said kissing my head again! I moaned and rolled over face planting the floor! "Owww!" I said slightly giggling! Robin just giggled as he helped me up! "I've been hanging around you too long!" I giggled! All of a sudden I heard a familiar voice calling me and Robin! "I know that voice!" I said as I rushed out of the plane! "OLIVIA!" I screamed as I rushed to hug her! She hugged me tight and asked about Andy! All I did was giggle! "He's fine! He's got a girlfriend now!" I said showing her the pictures! She giggled at how cute Andy's faces were! "He always was a big dope!" She laughed! "Still is!" I giggled again!

My life with Robin Gibb pt2Where stories live. Discover now