fatal heart attack pt2

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Robin drove everybody to the hospital to see me! My chest was hurting really bad because they had to cut me open to put a chest tube in to help me breathe! Robin rushed into my room and saw blood everywhere! "Where'd all this blood come from?" Barbara asked! "She had a miscarriage while we working on her!" The nurse said! She was so devastated over losing the babies we had to sedate her!" One of the other nurses responded! "Babies?" Robin asked confused! "Yeah she was pregnant with triplets!" The doctor replied as he walked in! Robin broke down into tears and Barbara sat there holding my hand! The second I felt her hand I woke up! "Mom?" I asked when I woke up! "I'm here honey!" She said kissing my forehead! I started crying! "I lost the babies mom! I was supposed to be having triplets and I lost them!" All she did was hold me! "Shhh it's okay! I'm here! Everything's gonna be okay!" She said trying to calm me down! Robin walked over to me and sat down next to me! I couldn't look at him! I was scared to look at him! I was scared he'd be mad at me for losing the babies! "Princess look at me! Please?" Robin said trying not to cry! But I turned away! I didn't want him to see me cry! Robin turned my head by force and made me stare into his eyes! I saw the same pain in his eyes that I had in mine! "Robin I'm sorry!" I said sobbing into his chest! He just kissed my head and rubbed my back trying to find something to say! "It's not your fault princess! It happened! These things happen all the time!" He said! "But not to me Robin! Not to us! I just wanted to make you and Dwina proud of me!" I sobbed harder! He made me look at him again! "You think we're not proud of you?! Princess we're more than proud of you! You have been through so much trauma in your life and you had the strength and courage to rise above all that! I don't know everything that happened to you! But I'm proud of you for coming this far! Believe me I know how many times you've wanted to cut or commit suicide but you didn't and you're still here and just being here despite everything you've been through is enough to make me and Dwina proud of you!" He told me with a smile! "That's right baby girl! I know you've had a rough life! But you have come way too far to give up on us now! I'm proud of you baby girl!" Dwina said hugging me tight! "I love you so much Dwina!" I said crying into her chest!

My life with Robin Gibb pt2Where stories live. Discover now