Linda comes home!

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After a few weeks of keeping Linda in the hospital for observation she and Ali finally got to come home! We were throwing her and baby Ali a welcome home party and I was picking her up and bringing her back! Linda knew nothing about this party which made everything perfect! I got to the hospital and found Linda's room! "Hey sis ready to go?" I asked as I picked up Ali! "Yeah almost!" I continued to play with the baby! "Who's aunt kenzie's little girl?" Ali just giggled! "Wait till you get older and go shopping with me and your mom we're crazy shoppers!" I said laughing! "Hey I'm not that bad!" Linda laughed! "Not that bad? Linda you're gonna get us banned from shopping by Barry soon!" I giggled again! She started fake crying! "I'm nothing without shopping!" We rolled on the floor laughing! "One of these days I'm gonna die laughing because of her!" I thought to myself! Ali started to cry! "I got her Linda you finish getting ready to go!" I said as I picked Ali up! "Thanks for helping me out kenzie! Every single pregnancy you were always there helping me out! Taking care of the babies while I was resting and I couldn't love you more!" She started! "But..." I started her next sentence! "But... You do too much for me and bear and not enough for yourself and Robin! Let me give you a break this time! Me and bear can keep the kids for a while and you and Robin go on a vacation!" She suggested! "I would but won't you be tired with the new baby?" I asked! "We'll make it work! Besides the boys and Allison are old enough they can help! You and Robin go on that vacation as long as you need!" She said smiling! "It might be a few months then Lin! There's a lot of places we wanna go!" I giggled! "That's fine! You know we can..." She paused to yawn! "Handle the kids!" She continued! "You okay?" I asked! "Yeah just trying to wake up!" She giggled! I handed her her coffee I picked up from dunkin! "Here love! Have some coffee!" I giggled again!

My life with Robin Gibb pt2Where stories live. Discover now