Lost. At Home - Chapter 3

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Dabwiso liked staying back late at school on Fridays. It was his chance to get done with any homework so he could focus on just studying and laying back over the weekend. Also, he liked the solitude that time afforded him. He thrived in his element and didn't like it any other way. He never really was a fun of people in general. Just him and his thoughts – that was his solace.

Sitting on a concrete edge of the hallway, he could sense the same balmy scent he hadn't been able to get out of his mind for weeks – and he could feel it coming even closer. It was her, elegant as always, walking towards him. Electric shocks ran through his body as he tried to keep his cool.

"H-h-h-i Dabwiso" she tagged him at the shoulder.

"Oh hey"

"I'm so sorry we haven't spoken since...you know, the class issue"

"It wasn't because of you that I hit that boy" Dabwiso quickened his defense.

"Anyway... I just wanted to thank you – really. I've hated every second of being at this school. The only good part is knowing I'll go home at the end of each day. Seeing you stand up to the whole class that day, I really felt like someone had my back you know? I've just never had that before"

"Do you want to know the real reason I hit Mihu?"

"You mean besides the fact that you wanted to show off you macho-ness to all the girls?"

"How long have you had a stutter?" Dabwiso asked as if not to mind her flirtatious tone.

"Uhmm...I've always had it, ever since I was young."

"You know I had it too. And it just felt insulting for some imbecile to make fun of you for something that's not your fault. I still have some trauma from Primary school when everyone would call me names. That's why I'm so reserved even with my words. I leave it to my actions to express the way I feel. And hearing that guy say such things and the whole class back him up just brought up a lot of past hurt."

Mayaba paused, overtaken with emotions and the sheer wit of Dabwiso. Never had any boy been so open and vulnerable with her. In his re-assuring words she felt secure. She'd never felt so free around anyone outside her home before. But she was just equally drawn to the air of mystery around him. To Dabwiso she felt she could give her all.

"You know I told my Dad about your heroics in class. He said he'd like you to come over this weekend if you're free."

"It's getting dark, Mayaba. I don't want double-0-seven seeing me talking to you this late. Bye now"

Without saying a word more, she walked to the chauffeur-driven car that lurked at the front gate and left – with him on her mind. It later hit her that she hadn't stuttered the entirety of their conversation.

Dabwiso sat there—for the first time—feeling something in his stomach.

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