the date ft rejection

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Bulma pov :
Okay what the hell is this ? Ever since the date started Goku's been talking to chichi. 
"Uhhh Hi " I greeted Vegeta. He just glared at my greeting!  How rude ! I realized that we arrived at the movie theaters.
"What you guys like to see ?" Goku asked.
The others and I turned to see what kind of movies are playing. Guess they were playing oldies. Oh my gosh there playing Mean Girls!
"The ring " Goku and Vegeta said at the same time.
"But I wanna watch Mean Girls! " I whined. 
"Sorry Bulma but it's 3 against 1 " Goku stated.
"I never said what movie I wanted to watch " chichi glared.
"ehhh?" all of us said confused.
"I wanna watch the giver. " she said.
"Even if you do we still win because 2 against 1 and 1" Vegeta smirked.
"Okay then I'll just watch the giver myself " she said.
Wait!  If chichi watches the giver by herself and Vegeta watches the ring with Goku they'll never be together !
"Chichi I think we should watch the ring! "
"Huh " she said with her eyes widen.
"comon this is a date we should be with our dates! "
"What Bulma said! " Goku grinned.
"I'm not anyone's date! " She yelled.
"Oh yea you are" I said.
Chichi pov :
I seriously don't know how Bulma got me into this.  Since they berly started playing the ring we went to the seats. We sat at the last row. 
"if you try to do something funny I'll yell." I said to him not kidding at all.
"Wow chichi " goku signed but then smirked.  "even if you did yell people will think it's for being scared. "
" then I'll yell rape "
"Got it " he gulped.
Bulma pov :
Halfway through the movie and Im ready to pee my shorts!  I would really like to hug someone right now but 2 problems.
1. I can't I'm with yamcha but he did cheat on me.
2. I'm sitting next to Vegeta.
Vegeta is in the corner, then it's me,  then chichi and Goku.  Damn chichi is suppose to be sitting next to Vegeta.
"Hey chichi I can't really see mind trading me seats ?"
"Fine whatever "
Yes my plan worked!  Now all I need to do is get chichi to be scared and hug Vegeta.
Darn it!  Guess chichi wasn't scared at all because all she did was stare at the screen with a blank expression.
"oh-hh my god what a lame movie " I said stuttering.
"really lame. " Vegeta agreed.
"So what now? " I asked.
Goku pov :
"so what now ?" Bulma asked.
I really didn't want to go home since the movie part was a failure.  I really wanted to sit next to chichi but Bulma switched seats with her.
"How bout we go to  the park? " I suggested.
"Yes! " Bulma smiled draging a angry chichi to the park.
Man the park sure is beautiful at midnight.  The wind blowing the trees, the cool air,  The beautiful stars.
I decided to lay down and watch the stars because It really made me think of my mother. Guess Bulma wanted to watch them too. I heard chichi sign and lay down besides me.
"Vegeta we know you want to watch the stars ok " Chichi said.
"Who said I do " he said bluntly.
"Me now lay besides me." She smiled a beautiful smile.
Man I'm really jealous of Vegeta right now.  But he's my friend and he liked her way before me...  But at the same time I really like her and I don't want no one to have her.
"aren't they beautiful " Chichi smiled glazing at the dark sky.
"Yea really beautiful " Bulma smiled.
I smiled at them.
"you know they say if you watch the stars  at midnight ,someone is watching them with you somewhere else . "
"That's really cool " Bulma smiled sadly.
A few minutes went by and finally chichi broke the silence.
"Do you guys umm.....  Have someone special in your life or had?" she asked.
"My family. " I answered.
"my sister" Bulma said.
My mother. " Vegeta whispered.
"Same Vegeta...."
"Well guys it's getting really late and I have to be home already so Goku walk me home please ?"
I really wanted to say no but I'll feel and look like a jerk at the same time. I groaned in my mind.
"sure " I answered getting up and walked with her.
Vegeta pov :
Since Kakarot walked that obnoxious woman home I walked her home. Kakarot is stupid if he doesn't think him making moves on chichi aren't obvious. While we were walking I decided to spark a convo.
"so your mother ?" I asked.
"I can ask you the same. " she said.
We arrived at her house In 10 minutes. I walked her to the front door steps.  She signed.
"Listen Vegeta I know you have feelings for me and it's really sweet but I'm just not a girlfriend type at all"
"It's Kakarot isn't it? "
"No it's not him! I just want to be single OK!" she screamed.
"whatever I really thought you were different " I barked and left her house.
Man I really wish I hadn't said that. It's been 2 years since I fell in love with her...
I took out my phone and dialed his phone number.
"Kakarot I'm over her you can have her."
Really sorry for the late update! my phone cracked so it's been hard updating. I did this in a hour so it's really lame .

I fell in love with a idiotDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora