A bet ft break up

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Goku pov :
I woke up in a happier mood than usual today ! Why ? Because Vegeta told me he was over chichi , now I won't feel guilty when I make her mine ! But... It could also be because it's the weekend.
"kakarot,turles get up ! " my father bardock yelled through the closed door. I heard turles sign.
"Kakarot get up " he said yawning.
"Just a few more minutes" I said snugging into my blanket.
"No , now " my father commanded hitting me with the pillow.
"Alright , alright you win " I signed putting my hands up in the air.
"TURLES YOU BETTER HURRY UP" I yelled thorough the bathroom door.
"Thanks for using all the hot water jerk" I barked.
"not my fault you didn't wake up early enough " he smirked.
"Whatever, where's dad ?"
"He went to go get the car ready "
"Where we going now ?"
"IHOP " he answered smirking at the message on his phone.
Chichi pov :
Oh how I love dream land. Finally she leaves him and goes to a care center ! My phone ranged interrupting my reading.
"Hello Bulma "
"Chichi what happened last night ehh" she squealed.
"Nothing much , told him I wasn't interested he got mad and stormed off"
Bulma was slient for a minute. geesh didn't know it will shock her this much.
"Oh" was all she said.
"Yea " I responded making it awkward.
"So anyways wanna go the mall ?"
"Great I'll be at your house in 20 minutes "
Goku pov:
Finally my food is ready ! Took them long enough. I licked my lips at the warm roundish pancakes and sizzling bacon. I saw turles do the same and starting pigging out. Dad sighed.
" Haven't you guys ever heard of manners ?"
"No what's that ?" Turles asked playful with a mouthful of food.
"Nevermind just don't talk " dad signed.
"So dad when's mom coming back ?" I asked putting a slice of bacon into my mouth.
"Probably this month or so" he smiled. Ever since he retired from the military mom stayed helping the wounded.
"Oh yea dad there was a phone message from raditz boarding school"
"What he do now ?" Dad signed.
"let's just say he sneaked into the girls dressing room " he snickered.
"Your mother will be very angry trying to find a new boarding school that will accept him "
"Why not let him come back to orange star high ?" I asked finished with my breakfast.
" because ever since 2 years ago remember "
I smiled remembering when raditz started a food fight and shoved pie under the principle pants. Of course he got suspended and mom decided to send him to a boarding school for discipline children. We got letters from both of them each month.
"Mom probably going to have a mental breakdown seeing your hair" turles laughed.
"What's wrong with my hair ?" I asked running my fingers through my bleach blonde hair.
"for once he's right " dad agreed.
"hahahaha, wait hey! "
Chichi pov :
While Bulma was talking to Suno on the phone I was wandering around the store looking at clothing items.
"hmm this is cute " I eyed the red dress. I could wear it for my father's new restaurant opening.
"Sorry about that suno kept talking and talking " Bulma apologized.
"let me guess about me being such a slut and all " I rolled my eyes. Don't get me wrong I love Bulma but she can be a fake friend when it comes.
"Yea but forget about that try on that red dress you were looking at "
"can I get 2 caramel frappe " Bulma ordered.
"coming right up" the cashier smiled.
"So what event are you going to wear that dress on? " Bulma asked
"My dads restaurant opening " I answered.
"Planning on bringing Vegeta along ehh " she smirked.
I frowned. Why must she act like goku at times!
"I'll bring Vegeta if you bring Krillin " I smirked knowing she'll never agree to it.
"why can't you just go out with him! " she signed getting up to grab our orders.
"because I like being single okay and all of those loser are fuckboys" I answered drinking my frappe.
"let's make a bet heh. If you can find a date for your dads opening Ill stop bothering you with the relationship stuff and if you don't I'll find you one."
"I know you wont but I guess " I signed.
We started walking to the car passing the water fountain but I felt something being thrown at me. I looked at the ground and saw a quarter.
"Chichi? " Bulma asked and turned to the direction of the water fountain. There sitting on the edge was yamcha with maron on his lap giving him kisses and Vegeta with suno on his lap.
"Thanks for the quarter Suno! " I yelled and smiled grabbing the attention of all of them.
"oh crap Bulma " yamcha yelled dropping maron to the floor.

I fell in love with a idiotDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora