Freddy started asking around. Something wasn't right. But everytime he mentioned cooper's name everyone immediately grew quiet and made up an excuse to quickly leave. Finally Freddy managed to corner someone to get some information. A young girl named Mary was peacefully creating the perfect Kidz bop mug when all of a sudden Freddy approached.
"Oh Mark. There you are. Your just in time to help me finish these mugs." She happily said. But Freddy only narrowed his eyes at her.
"Cut the small talk. I need information." He said.
"What are you talking about? Information about what?" Mary asked nervously. She tapped her fingers on the table and began to fidget with her hair.
"About Cooper. No one will tell me what happened with him and Julianna. They all seem to be going out of their way to avoid talking about it. Something's clearly happened and I want to know what." Freddy replied crossing his arms. Mary looked up at him with sorrow in her eyes.
"Julianna forbid us from ever talking about him." She said.
"What did he do to her?!?!?" Freddy demanded.
Mary looked like she was about to cry.
"He cheated on her." She whispered as tears formed in her eyes.
"Julianna forbid us from ever talking about it but he cheated on her...........WITH A GUY!"
The tears ran down the little girl's face as she continued.
"He's been a closeted gay since he was 11 and I guess he was only dating her to save face. But he should have broke up with her before he did that stuff with that guy." Mary sputtered as she cried thinking of the pain Julianna must have felt finding out.
"Julianna was heartbroken. She said she'd never date again as long she lives" she said.
Freddy glanced out the window at Julianna walking up the front steps outside.
"What if someone could convince her otherwise?" He asked.
"What if someone could convince her that there are good men in the world who wouldn't hurt her?"
He thought of how he wooed her the day before.
"You like her, don't you Mark?" Mary asked.
Freddy nodded.
"You know it won't be easy convincing her to love again."
"I know."
"Then perhaps you need some assistance? Someone to show you how to properly treat a lady?" Mary smiled at him.
"That someone is you isn't it?" Freddy said smiling.
Mary happily nodded.
"And I suppose you'll be wanting something from me?" Freddy asked
"Well yes. I do have a little question for you, I'd like you to answer. But that can wait for now." Mary grinned a wide grin as Freddy put his hand out in front of her.
"It's a deal."
And they shook hands.