Mary got some money and handed it to Freddy. She then told Freddy Julianna's favorite flowers and chocolate.
"Alright, now I'm going to ask Julianna to go buy us more blank mugs to decorate, we're running low anyway, and I'm going to make it sound like me and Alex is going too " Mary said. Freddy nodded. Alex was the boy with purple fingernails.
"However I'm going to text her that Alex and I can't make it so it will be an accidental date with Julianna." Mary continued.
"A date with Julianna........" Freddy thought. He felt his heart swell. This is everything he dreamed about. This was it. He was finally going to have a date with his dream girl....
That morning Freddy dressed handsomely. But not too handsomely so Juliana wouldn't to get suspicious. He smiled as he imagined glazing into Julianna's beautiful eyes. He could almost get lost such beauty. Freddy disappeared off to school. When he met up for club after school then it would be time for his date. Freddy grinned with anticipation.
After school was over Freddy waited nervously for Julianna at their usual club spot.
And that's when he saw her. Julianna. In a beautiful purple dress her long black hair blowing behind her.
"Hey Mark. There's no club today. Mary told me that we were out of blank mugs so I was wondering if you instead would go with me, Alex and her to get more." She asked sweetly. Freddy gulped a little but smiled at her.
"I'd love to."
They waited for Alex and Mary to arrive to join them on the request for more mugs but instead Juliana got a text just like Freddy knew she would.
"What she and Alex can't make it!" Julianna said alarmed. She looked up at Freddy.
He shrugged.
"It's okay Juliana we can just go get the mugs ourselves instead." He said smiling.
Julianna looked a little nervous but agreed. So the two children headed off. They went to target to get the mugs.
And while Julianna was gathering mugs Freddy secretly bought Julianna her absolute favorite chocolate to surprise her. He smiled is he imagined the look on her face when she received the chocolates.
As they exited target, Freddy noticed a street fair nearby.
"Hey Juliana this may sound crazy. but now that we're done buying all these mugs I was wondering if you'd like to go check out that street fair?" He asked.
Julianna blushed bright pink as Freddy gave her a handsome smile.
She stared her feet.
"Um....I don't know. I really do need to get home after this." She said smiling as she shuffled her feet.
"Come on Juliana please." Freddy asked.
Julianna looked over at the street fair then back at Freddy.
"Okay maybe just a little."
They headed over to the street fair. Juliana's eyes widened as she stared at all the beautiful lights. The place was decorated with all sorts of ribbons and things and they had even set up a tunnel of love. Julianna blushed bright pink at the sight of it all and shyly stared at her feet smiling. Then they starting to play all different kinds of games. Julianna squealed with delight as Freddy won her a giant teddy bear. She giggled as he bought them both cotton candy and treats. And Julianna blushed bright pink again as they quietly passed the tunnel of love the people had set up. She stared at her feet smiling coyly but looked back at Freddy as soon as they passed. He was grinning at her handsomely. Freddy felt his heart swell as he glazed at Julianna. Why was she such a beautiful person? Why was she so cute blushing like that? He absolutely loved everything about her. And he secretly hoped he'd someday get to spend the rest of his life with her. They quietly walked to a park bench as the sun began to set.
"It's beautiful, isn't it." Freddy said as they glazed at the sunset together.
"Yes, yes it is " Julianna said blushing. She stared at her feet again.
Freddy smiled kindly at her.
"Listen Juliana I just want to tell you something." Freddy started.
"I'm really glad you started up your club. Without it, It would have been really hard for me to make friends being the new kid and all. So I just want to say thank you."
"you don't have to say thank you, Mark. The Kidz bop club is for all Kidz bop fans new or old " Julianna replied.
"Well either way I wanted to get you something." And he handed her the chocolates he bought for her.
"Oh Mark! You shouldn't have!" Julianna said blushing. She stared at her feet bright pink smiling before taking the chocolate.
That's when Freddy noticed a bunch of daisies growing nearby and smiled.
He gently bent down and picked a couple. He took a sniff as Julianna glanced up.
"Are those daisies!" Julianna gasped. Freddy nodded. He handed one to her and she took a big sniff.
"Daisies are my absolute favorite flower" Julianna said smiling.
"They're just so sweet."
"I see. You must love them because they're sweet just like you" Freddy said glazing into her eyes.
"Oh Mark." Julianna said as she glazed into his eyes.
Freddy gently ran his fingers thur her hair.
"Your eyes are very beautiful, Julianna." Freddy whispered. Julianna felt her heart racing as Freddy grinned handsomely at her. He began to lean forward towards her. Julianna's cheeks began to burn bright pink as he leaned slowly forward and everything was screaming at her to say yes and start kissing him. But no she couldn't.
"I have to go." Julianna said standing up she immediately separated herself from Freddy.
"What......why?" Freddy asked confused.
Julianna stared at her feet.
"I....I can't be your girlfriend Mark." She said.
"Huh?? Why? Do you still have feelings for Cooper?" Freddy asked.
"NO!! I HATE THAT LYING CHEATING PIECE OF TRASH!!" Julianna suddenly yelled.
"Then why?" Freddy demanded.
Julianna's eyes filled with tears.
"Well because even though I'm not in Kidz bop anymore. There's still someone I have a crush on that I'm hoping I can someday get with." She replied.
"Who" Freddy asked wondering if she somehow had a crush on his best friend Isaiah.
Julianna's voice was a soft whisper.
"His name was Freddy pomme."