Chapter 1

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 When it is night time you're meant to be taken away by sleep and in the Morning you are brought back from the sleep kind of like: Life and Death. The morning was a pain. The light that beams so brightly from the sun coming out annoyed people about what time it was. The morning was supposed to start well which is why people say 'Good Morning'. Somewhere in a small and cramp story house, it was definitely not a good morning for Remy Martinez.

Remy groaned as his Aunt shook him awake. " Remy, come on we need to get going, " His aunt told him. He didn't do good with obeying the go-to-bed early rule. He ended up falling asleep at about 3:00 am while watching some true crime documentaries. " I told you we had to be up in the morning, Re. You do this every year. " His aunt shook her head.

Remy finally sat up and rubbed his eyes. He slowly woke himself up. Going to sleep early was just something Remy couldn't do. He hates sleeping a lot. It made him feel like he was slowly dying. He could only stay up for so long though because everyone gets tired. It was normal to get tired. Sleeping is a thing everyone did unless you had insomnia or something. If you were in a coma you slept a lot until you finally woke up.

He tumbled out of his bed, hitting the floor. 

Today was going to be a long day. As every teenager who goes to Redwood would be entering today. New incoming 6th graders and freshmen. 7th graders, Sophomores, and juniors just trying to get to the end of the year.8th graders and seniors being done with every fucking thing. School is just chaotic in general.

Remy put his headphones in and played one of his playlists. He looked out the window as his aunt drove him to the school he so desperately didn't want to go back to. Outside, he sees the sun is still behind the trees. Leafs covering the ground indicated fall was about to start. The wind was blowing slightly. It was pretty warm, the temperature happened to be somewhere in the middle.

While other cars drove past them Remy would sneak a glance in through their windows. Wondered where they were going or what their life was like. He hadn't even noticed they were already slowly pulling up into the parking lot of Redwood. He sighed, very loudly as his aunt looked at him.

" Oh come on it's not going to be that bad Re " she assured him. She was horribly wrong. Every year for him was horrible. Something in his gut told him this year would be way worse than it usually was. " It's never okay and you know that, you're the one who gets the call from my teacher telling you I'm some kind of monster " Remy stated coldly.

Remy never understood why when anyone made him mad or upset he would end up hurting them badly. Really bad things just happen to people who pissed him off. Maybe he just had bad anger issues. A few people spread rumors about him being cursed or just a crazy-ass psychopath. He was never rude to anyone. He always tries to be nice to everyone so why did everyone look at him like he was crazy? Maybe he was.

He didn't want to be a monster. All he wanted was a few friends and support from others instead he ended up with one friend and support from only two people. He swore sometimes he could hear tiny little voices in his head. Reese had suggested therapy but something about telling a stranger your problems just didn't sit right with him.

" Re you're not a monster no one is. Some people just have issues or trouble with things. You just struggle with not being violent, " Reese explains as she parks the car.

She looks Remy into his eyes and puts her hand on his shoulder. " If those dumbass kids keep fucking with you tell me I'll deal with it. " She insisted. " I don't want to put a burden like that on you besides it's nothing I can't handle. I've been dealing with it since I was a 12-year-old boy in the 6th grade " he shrugged off. " I wish you'd have told me the reason you were hurting these kids was that they were bullying sooner. You had me thinking you were the bully " His aunt Remarked.

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