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   Jessica has been dancing since she was a little girl. Her parents would always tell her to quit dancing around the house but she refused to. She had been working as hard as she could to be able to compete in the world wide dance competition. She had been practicing her whole life to be able to compete and she made it all the way to the final round of the competition.

  It is the final week of the dance competition and she was still in the top twenty people who made it through this far.

  "Good luck out there Jessica. You really earned this. If you move on today you will be the only one representing our team moving on." Her dance teacher told her as her name was called. The rest of her team had not made it to the finals but they were all standing back stage watching her to see if she would make it through to the top ten dancers in the world.

  Her music came on and Jessica did her dance just like she had been practicing and when she finished she ran off the stage where her whole team gave her a hug.

  "That was amazing Jessica." Her best friend Alice told her as she pulled Jessica into a hug.

  "That was the last performance of the day so we will give the judges a few minutes to discuss before we announce who is moving on and who is not." The announcer said. Jessica ran back to the teams dressing room to change out of her costume. The rest of the team came in as well.

  "I don't know if I will be moving on. I slipped when I was doing my front walk over and those last two eight counts I had to improvise so it looked like that fall was intentional." Jessica said as she was changing.

  "Girl if I didn't have your dance memorized by heart I would have never guessed that was not a part of your dance. If you don't move on I will be surprised. You are an amazing dancer and I am pretty sure the judges know that as well." Alice told her. She smiled a little bit whole she finished changing. She talked with a few of her friends until the dancers were called out on to the stage. Jessica stood on the stage nervous while they called out who was going to be moving on.

  "And the last dancer who will be moving onto the final round of this competition is Jessica." The judges announced. Jessica was shocked when they called her name. The second the dancers were released she ran off the stage and to the dressing room to call her mother.

  "Hey Jessica how is it going? Have they announce who is moving on yet? We are already heading out there so we can be there even if you don't move on." Her mother said when she answered the phone.

  "Well it's a good thing I am going to be competing in the final round then so you guys didn't fly all the way out here for nothing." Jessica said. She could hear her little brother cheering in the background and the smile on her face grew even bigger.

  "Well it sounds like little man here is excited. He has been asking me every five minutes if I had heard from you about the competition. Apparently he told his whole class there is no way you will not be moving on because you are the best dancer in the world and if anyone disagrees they are wrong." Her mom said. Jessica laughed. She talked with her mom for a little bit before they had to get off the phone. It was getting late and she needed to go to bed early because the final round of the competition was the next day.

  Jessica and Alice were woken up early the next morning to someone pounding on their door. Jessica grabbed her phone from the might stand to find it was two o' clock in the morning. Jessica opened to find their dance teacher standing there.

  "Jessica I am so sorry to tell you this but your family was in a bad car accident. Your dad and brother passed away and your mother is in the hospital. She is not doing well. I already booked you a plane ticket." The dance teacher told her. Jessica felt her heart drop and she fell to her knees. Alice ran over to her and wrapped her arms around her.

  "I will drive you two to the airport because I found a flight leaving in fourty five minutes. Don't worry about any of your stuff except what you absolutely need because the rest of the team will be on a later flight and we will grab it." The teacher said. Alice helped Jessica off the ground and sat her on the bed while their teacher helped pack up some things they would need. Jessica just sat there numb taking in everything the teacher said. They loaded the few things into the car and got in. That's when Jessica finally broke down and started crying. When they were at the airport they checked in and boarded the plane when they were told to.

  As soon as the plane landed the girls got a ride to the hospital. They were told the room Jessica's mother was in and went straight to the room. Jessica started crying even harder when. She saw the state her mother was in. She ran to the side of the bed and grabbed her mother's hand. She gasped when her mother opened her eyes.

  "Jessica what are you doing here you are supposed to be at the dance competition." Her mother said.

  "Mom I had to come back. You are in the hospital. They told me that dad and Liam were gone and you were not doing well." Jessica said through her tears.

  "Jessica I want you to make a promise to me. I want you to promise you that you will win that competition for us. We all wanted to see you to win." Her mother weakly told her.

  "Mom I don't know is I van keep this promise." Jessica told her.

  "Please." Her mother said. Jessica nodded her head at her mother as one of the monitors in the room started to make a loud noise. Jessica and Alice were pushed out of the room and after a few minutes one of the doctors told her that her mother was gone. Jessica's world fell apart.

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