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《☆- MAC-☆》

I leaned on the fence staring at the goat. Goddamn goat. So simple. Such an easy life. It wasn't stressed with any of the thoughts tumbling around in my head. It wasn't just the fact that we were stuck in 1999 and people were hunting us down. Or that the person who betrayed us, we were trusting again. No, it was because I had feelings for KJ Brandman.

Out of anyone, it had to be her. I scratched the goat's head absentmindedly. KJ was just amazing. She didn't get scared or repulsed or intimidated by my tough exterior. She was so sweet and cared about me. She could stand up for herself and of course she was so pretty. Her curly hair and her eyes and it was so hot when she hit me that once. I smiled just remembering it. I couldn't tell her. I mean I wanted to. Hell, I wanted to be with her. I know we were only 12, but we'd been through more than most people in their entire lives. I think I love that badass rich girl.

"Mac!" yelled KJ. Oh shit. Oh no, she's coming. I frantically shook my head a bit to get my hair back in line. Somewhat.

"Mac! Where are you? They're waiting!" yelled KJ.


I sprinted past the barn and realized Mac was inside so I backtracked. She was standing petting a goat. Her hair I loved hung over her face.

"Mac, we gotta get out of here," I said. I walked around her and leaned against the fence next to her. She looked sad. But beautiful too.

"Are you alright?" I asked her. She looked up, staring at me with those beautiful green eyes. Oh why, why did she have to be so great? She was just so badass and tough. But protective and caring for the people she loves. Which I hope could one day be me.

Oh no, surely not. My parents would never let Mac in. With her clothes, music and that hot deep voice I love so much. They'd hate her. But I love her. I'll be with her one day. Wait, no, she can't like girls too, can she?

She slid her hand on top of mine. No way, no, no way. Does she? Maybe, maybe she does like me. That would be amazing. She let it rest there. I stared at our hands in shock. It was like a sudden calm as soon as she did that.

"Thanks for being so," said Mac. She stopped. She looked like she was trying to find the right word.

"I don't know, thanks for just being how you are I guess," said Mac.


I kept my hand on KJ's. Her's was so soft. It was like I had suddenly got a burst of bravery. I just wanted to squeeze her hand and promise I'd always be there to protect her. She looked scared. Oh shit, maybe I moved too quick. I would truly do anything for her and I wanted her to know it.

"You all right?" I asked her. She slid her hand our from under mine. Ugh. It's like every bad thought came tumbling back in.

"I'm...I'm just gonna. I'm just going to check if there's any food or stuff or supplies or something, in the house for us to take," said KJ. She was backing away like she was scared. No, no. Please, I didn't want to scare her. I already love her so much I didn't want to make her nervous. Fuck, whenever this happens it seems like I'm mad, I swear I'm not.

"No you stay here, take a load off," I said. Fuck you, misplaced anger.

"Mac..." said KJ, trying to catch my arm as I strode past her.

"Its fine!" I said practically sprinting to the house


"Goddammit," I muttered. I watched her walk away from me. Why did I do that? I could've told her how I felt, I'm such a coward.

-{Short Time Skip}-

I threw the door open to see Mac standing there.

"Mac look, I'm sorry. Okay? I just, I..." Something was wrong. She was trying to keep me away from something standing in front of her.


I heard the door open and it was KJ. Fuck. No, no. I don't want her coming in. I can't risk her getting hurt. I frantically tried to wave her away.


Well if yall have seen the show then u know what comes after that lmao. hope you enjoyed I'm in the process of writing more! some may take place within the series, some outside the storyline. Comment with suggestions!

782 words

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