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"Mac come get the fucking phone it's for you. Some girl says she's your friend," yelled Dylan.

Friend? Jeez I only have 3, wonder which one it could be. I tried to part my hair a bit. I was going to school and I would see KJ there so maybe I could look a little presentable. She was my rock, she got me through school and anything at home. Not academically, Tiff took care of that. But people's opinions of me. Only Tiff and Erin knew we were dating, everyone else just thought we were friends.  KJ helped me ignore them and not punch the shit out of them. At least not as often as I used to. only two suspensions so that's something.

then again it was only October.

"MAC! GET THE FUCK OUT HERE!" yelled Dylan.

"I'M COMING! CHRIST!" I yelled back. I picked up the photo KJ had taken of me and her on her fancy Polaroid camera. She was on my back,kissing the side of my head. I was smiling bigger than ever before. I loved that moment. I felt so comforted with her on my back. Both comforted and protective. I stuffed the photo in my pocket, gave my head one more shake and headed towards the phone dangling from the wall.

"Hello?" I asked. A deep, gruff, sick, shaky voice answered.

"*cough* Mac?"

"Oh my God Kaje! Are you okay?" I asked, worried. She coughed some more.

"No not really. I'm so sick. I hurt all over. My dad's away on business and my mom's at work," she said, shakily.

"Wait so you're alone? And you won't be at school? " I asked. I know it sounded selfish, I didn't mean that.

"Mac. I wouldn't be asking you this if I didn't think I wouldn't be okay. But it really hurts. Can you come over?" asked KJ. I thought about it. I wanted to. But what if her parents came home or if I got sick and my parents or her parents got suspicious.

"Mac? *cough* you there? " said KJ.

"Yea yea I'm here sweetheart. Um. Yeah I think I'll come over, " I said.

"Its okay Mac you don't have to," said KJ.

"Yeah I know I want to. I'll ride my bike over, " I said.

"Okay, " she said.

"Bye see ya in a bit, " I said.

"Hey, I love you, " said KJ. My heart lept.

"I love you too Kaje," I said.

《- Time Skip -》

I stood on the ground staring at KJ's window. Good God how was I going to get up there. Why did her house have to be so fucking huge. I mean 3 floors really? And her room had to be on the top floor.

My only option was the oak tree next to me. Well here goes nothing. I made it up a few feet, sitting on a branch swinging my legs. Only 20 feet to go. I grabbed the first branch I saw and it cracked and fell. Shit.

I eventually made it up 15 more feet. By now, my eyes were level with the bottom of KJ's window. I took a pencil out of my pocket and tapped the window. KJ sat up and saw me. She smiled and struggled to get up. I shook my head. I can figure it out. 

I managed to lean forward and grab the bottom of her window, she had opened it a bit already so I slid through horizontally.

"Jeez couldn't have made that any harder? " I said.

"Sorry, " she said.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean that, " I said walking towards her bed. I set my school bag down on the floor and sat on the side of the bed.
"How are you? " I asked her.

"Come closer please. Well actually you'll get sick. Never mind never mind," she said.

"Its fine, a little cold won't hurt me Kaje, "I said and slid closer to her. I sat with my legs crossed and my hand on top of hers. She smiled at me. She opened her arms as though she wanted a hug. So I laid down on my side and wrapped my arms around the sick girl. She coughed and then curled up into my side.

"Hey, you know I love you, " I said.

"What? " asked KJ. "Really? "

"Yeah, " I said. It had just occurred to me that I hadn't told her that before. I mean she's said it to me but I've never said it first. Except not while she was awake. I have snuck up that tree a few times to check on her.

"I love you too MacKenzie," said KJ. I looked down at her in shock. She giggled up at me. I looked from her eyes to her lips and back to her eyes.

She reached her hand up and brushed some hair off my face. She put her hand on my cheek and slowly raised up to plant her lips on mine. It was soft and quick. She leaned back down but I threw my lips back on hers.

"What. The. Fuck," said a voice from the doorway. My head shot up and it was a girl around our age, I recalled her as one of KJ's cousins. I looked down at KJ and we both started laughing hysterically.

I hope you liked it! I have quite a few ideas luckily!

903 words


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