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♡Protect You♡

angst and assault mention of sexual assault

《☆- Mac -☆》

"Mac?! Mac? Come in Mac! " yelled Tiff on the walkie.

"DID YOU FIND HER?!" I screamed back. KJ had gone missing 30 minutes ago, we found her bike and papers a few blocks from her house. one of Tiffs walkies lay a few feet away. We were planning to meet up at our school to divide and deliver the papers. The last thing we heard her say was "Hey guys I think somebody's following me-" and then there was a scream and my heart stopped. Then there was a voice that said "Coyle come save your little girlfriend."

"I see Wally Baker and his idiot friends. They've got some girl in there I think it's KJ," said Tiff.

"FUCKING BASTARDS! I'm coming Tiff!" I said and I took off towards the bridge near our school. As I got closer I heard loud laughing and whimpering.

"HEY FUCKTARDS!" I yelled as I rode up. It was Hell Day again. I could only hope it wouldn't be like last year. But I had brought my dad's gun this time. I left my bike at the entrance to the little tunnel and I saw Wally Baker and his friends surrounding KJ.

"HEY YOU DIPSHITS LET HER GO! " I yelled, walking towards them. They looked at me lazily.

"Here take my money I don't have much on me, " said KJ.

"We don't want your money little girl," said one of them. KJ looked at me with pleading eyes.

"I'm coming Kaje, " I mouthed to her.

Suddenly I felt a knife to my throat. One of Wally Becker's goons had snuck up behind me and grabbed me before I knew what was happening.

"Drop the gun," he hissed in my ear. I tightened my grip on the gun instead.

"DROP IT!" he screamed in my ear, pushing the blade against my throat. KJ's eyes were watering.

"Drop it," she mouthed to me. I dropped it. He didn't let go. Wally Baker crouched in front of me.

"Now you get to watch what high schoolers do to little girls that cross our path," he said, smiling eerily. I suddenly knew what he was going to do. Not to me, to Kaje.

"No. No, not her. Do it to me instead if you must," I said, straining against the kid behind me. Wally smiled at me again and punched me in the side of the head. Everything went dark.

---A few minutes later---

"She's really not awake yet? " snarled Wally.

"She's still out cold, " said the kid holding me. I wasn't. I was pretending. I heard KJ whimpering and crying. She screamed. It took everything I had not to fight back. They would force me to watch if they knew I was awake I couldn't. She screamed again and Wally laughed.

----Another few terrifying minutes later----

She finally stopped screaming. I saw her lay limp on the pavement with her pants and shirt torn up and there were cuts on her arms. The kid holding me let up enough, enough for me to fight.

I spun and hit him in the side of the head, he fell to the ground unconscious. I picked up my gun and shot through the ceiling. Wallys goons immediately booked it as I heard police sirens screaming up the road. Wally turned to look at me. "You're dead Coyle."

"Just shut up Wally, " I said. He lunged towards me but I shot him just below his knee. He screamed and backed out as fast as he could.

"YEAH RUN YOU FUCKING CHILD RAPIST! I HOPE YOU ROT IN JAIL!" I yelled. I sank down to the ground and pulled KJ into my lap.

"Hey shhh, it's okay, they can't hurt you anymore. I'm here to protect you now. I'm so sorry I wasn't here, " I said, kissing her forehead.

"Thank you Mac. I love you, "she said. I smiled.

"I love you too Kaje. And I'm getting you a therapist for this, "I said laughing.

She laughed too. "thanks Mac."


- Mia

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