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So this one is going to take place when they are more of 14 or 15. No smut obvi but just some kissing and angst maybe ??
some swearing and blood. one homophobic slur that is cut off half way. (I'm not homophobic, a character is)

♡Knight in Shining Armor♡


KJ had invited me, Erin and Tiff to her 15th birthday party. She didn't want a party but her parents set it up for her. She had to pull a lot of strings with them to be allowed to invite me. I was grateful of course but I was so scared. I had such a huge crush on her, I didn't know what I would do if some guy started hitting on her. I've punched the shit out of a few.

Mostly because I like seeing the look on KJ's face after but that's not the point. And she's way too good for some rich guy. Or any guy for that matter. It might be a little selfish of me but I don't care. I told her I liked girls at the same time she told me.

"Oh my God stop already. The first outfit you picked out was just fine," said Erin, sitting on my bed, forehead in her hands.

"But I don't know, I want to look good ya know?" I said holding 4 black shirts and 3 pairs of pants up to my dirty mirror.

"First time for everything," Erin mumbled. I spun around

"You know what Er-" I started.

"I'm kidding. Chill Mac," said Erin, holding her hands up, elbows on her knees. I turned back to my mirror.

"Ya know why are you so nervous? It's just KJ. She doesn't care. Her parents aren't going to change their impression of you so what's the point in stressing over what you wear?" asked Erin, laying back on my bed.

"I uh. No reason," I said, throwing clothes back into my messy closet. "This is as good as its gonna get." One of Dylan's old leather jackets, black AC/DC shirt, and, crazily, a black skirt.

"A skirt? Wow Mac. Trying to impress someone?" asked Erin jokingly.

"Pft, no..." I said nervously.

-Time Skip-

Erin and I walked into KJ's house. Erin immediately went to find Tiff, leaving me standing uncomfortably surrounded by people wearing dresses and tuxes. I shuffled around to the food table and crammed some bread rolls into my mouth. Nearly choked so I had to pull one back out. Some old lady was totally judging me so I scowled at her and stuffed the bread I pulled out into a napkin.

"Better?" I asked her, sarcastically. She pursed her lips at me and walked away. "Bitch," I said under my breath.

I saw Tiff and Erin across the room so I made my way over. Some of people were getting really into the dancing so I nervously hid behind Erin and Tiff.


I tugged at the super uncomfortable dress. It was cut way too high on the bottom and way too low on the top. For my tastes and for my age. I hate all these rich people. I'd prefer hanging out with Erin and Tiff and most of all Mac. I loved Mac's last birthday when the 4 of us camped out in her backyard laughing and telling stories all night. Why can't my parents let me do that. Mac thinks being rich is so great, all I wanna do is sit in my room with Mac and just stare at her. Shes truly beautiful. But right now there's 10 guys trying to get me to dance and trying to touch all those places on me.

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