A/N - Introduction

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It's me, either your favourite or most hated author 😉
Don't tell me to stop using emojis, I'm like your parents, I won't listen and I'll ignore your existence. 🥰

So, I just have a few things to note real quick before you start this book. ✋

Basically, this book is the product of a Role-play between me and this amazing person [ demonslayermenarehot ]
( Seriously she's so amazing and sweet and patient and OMG GO HARASS HER WITH YOUR LOVE- )

We're doing a Double up Yandere Role-play where she plays Rengoku for my OC and I play Muzan for her OC.

We decided it'd be fun to edit and publish the Role-plays as books here on Wattpad since other people might enjoy reading this.

This is also a good way to have more consistent updates as we're both building up the plot and we're not pressured to write every chapter ourselves out of nothing.

So yeah, if this is my most consistent book, don't be surprised- 😃

Anyways, I'll be publishing my part [ Yandere! Rengoku x Reader ] here, and she'll be publishing her part [ Yandere! Muzan x Reader ] on her account.

Please feel free to check out her book ( if ur interested in soft 🥺 but still crazy 🤪 Muzan 😉 ). I worked on her story as well, so trust me, it's very good! 😌✨

With that out of the way, I wanna clear up some things about Y/N in this story.

Since Y/N was naturally my OC " Yona Heiwa ", there are obviously some things about her that will be established within the story, such as her backstory, her family, her personality, and some iconic parts of her appearance. I'll try to edit it as best as I can so that my dear Anons ( that's what I call my readers now since my persona's name is Anon, deal with it. ☺️ ) can imagine themselves or whomever they want in her spot.

However, there are some things I will not change because they move the plot forward.

Here's the list :

Her shyness and nervousness around guys ( which is due to trauma ).

Her overall soft and nervous personality ( Do NOT be fooled, she can kick ass if she needs to 😤 but it's hard to anger her ).

Her short hair ( 🥺 Idk, it's just a huge part of her personality and she cut it after the traumatic incident ).

Her family ( Dw, you'll love them 😏 )

Her age ( She's 18. I won't make her any younger or older. )

Alright, that's all!

Bye Anons!
Idk if tumblr did it first, FIGHT ME. 😃🔪

Peace ✌️

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