~•< Chapter One >•~

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Today was the day.

The day of the reaping.

The day where a child, a boy and a girl from every kingdom, gets to go to the yearly Hunger Games and fight other children to the death.
So far me, my cousin and my best friend have been safe for 3 years, but it's not long until one of us gets chosen for this death sentence.
I wish I could skip this, I really do. But If I even try to attempt to skip, The doors to my room will probably bust open and I'll have a gun held to my head. Soooo..... probably not worth it.

I slipped on my hat and decided that I looked good enough, no need getting fancy for a heart attack. I headed downstairs to have a quick snack before I left and, to my surprise, found Strawberry and GingerBright already sitting at the table eating toast. Well, Strawberry trying to get GingerBright to eat something and stop freaking out while Chili ate toast and watched them slightly entertained.

"...your not going to get picked.."

"BUT WHAT IF I DO?!!!" Sobbed GingerBright.

"Then kick their ass! Thats what I did." Chili said interrupting their yearly conversation.

"GingerBright, this is our 3rd reaping. Your still afraid you will get picked? I thought you said that you could beat everyone by hiding in a hole and sleeping." I teased

"THAT WAS WHEN I WAS 9!!" GingerBright exclaimed angrily.

"Shshsh, you'll be alright, ok? Follow my steps breath in, 1, 2, 3.... and out, 1, 2, 3.... yeah that's it. Calm down we're gonna be alright." Strawberry said comfortingly.
I'm so glad that I have her here. I couldn't handle my cousin in that state for the life of me, mostly because she doesn't let me comfort her. But their relationship also makes me jealous. They are like a perfect match, it would be heartbreaking if one of them got chosen for the games.

"Whatever, your overreacting. Let's go to the reaping before we're late and they come and drag us out." Said Chili, completely ruining the moment.

"Ok...." Said Strawberry gently grabbing GingerBrights hand and leading her out the door. I followed behind and, I assume, Chili followed me.
"So are we driving there or walking?" I asked.

"I dunno, do ya have a drivers license?" Chili joked.

"Okayyyy, walking it is then." I said as we started walking toward the center of the kingdom.

When we got there we were greeted with a decently sized makeshift stage. On it we're two glass spheres filled with thousands of slips of paper. The one on the left side of the stage held the girls names, and the right held the boys.
Everyone lined up in two separated squares in the front of the stage, in order from ages 12 - 18, and filled the squares in, boys on the right and girls on the left. I made sure to stand near the girls and gave GingerBright and Strawberry a reassuring smile and mouthed 'Your gonna be ok' I'm not sure I was telling the truth though.

"HELLO EVERYONE!" A woman's voice boomed through the town square. She was standing at the microphone in the middle of the stage. She seemed kind of young? Like maybe in her 20's or 30's. She had puffy brown hair and what seemed like black bouncy balls in it, on top of that she had a cup on her hair for decoration, I think? She had black eyes and her dough was a dark brown. From what I could see, she was wearing lots of makeup. She was wearing a puffy dress that just passed knee length and wore white tights and gloves.

"I am Boba Cookie! But you can call me Boba. I will be calling this years brave cookies to go into the area!" She exclaimed cheerfully. A Mutter of dissatisfaction came from the crowd.

"47 years ago, Dark Enchantress Cookie made the games as a punishment for the kingdoms foolishness trying to fight back. Now we continue the games in her name, in the order of Pomegranate Cookie." Said Boba. "Remember, the winner gets to live in one of our pre-made mansions near the end of town and a lifetime supply of jellies and grape juice! Now on with the reaping. Ladies first!" She said putting her hand into the big glass dome and rummaged around until she took out a piece of paper and unfolded it. Don't be GingerBright or Strawberry.....


Oh thank goodness, who was that though?....

After a few moments of silence, a small girl at the front raised her hand "T- that's me miss Boba..." She looked like she was about to faint or cry, or maybe both. She was maybe half my height and, from what row she was standing in, was apparently 12, although she looked about 9.
Everyone gasped, including me. It's not common for a 12 year old to go into the games, let alone one this small. I was starting to feel bad for the girl, her first reaping, and she's already going to the arena. She started to make her way to the stage, slowly but surely. From what I could see she was shaking and holding back tears. When she made it to the stage she couldn't hold them in anymore and they started to flow like a river. "I- I don't wanna go! My mommy and daddy will m-miss me!" She said sobbing and clutched onto Boba like a life raft.

Instead of pushing her off, Boba embraced the hug. She looked like she was whispering to Gummy. Although she was pretty quiet, the microphone picked up on some things she said to her, ".... It'll be ok sweetheart, be strong. Your mommy and daddy will be ok..." Gummy nodded gloomily and let go of her. Boba went back to the microphone, "Would anyone like to volunteer for our little friend here?" Boba said with a nervous smile to the girls. The crowd went silent. Nobody answered.
"Uh- well give a round of applause to our new contestant! Gummy Pop Cookie!" Boba said.

Nobody clapped. Why should they anyway? They are sending this kid into a death match for christs sake!

"Ok... Well onto the boys!" Boba said embarrassed.

She strolled over to the right side of the stage and fished around for a second and pulled out a slip of paper. Don't be me don't be me please don't be me....


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